FILE 9: Bad Bank Blues

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Heard a few people wanted an update so I'm here to give a little
3rd POV

Harley knew something was up with Ed, he was acting way too smug whenever she was around. There was even more of a look of arrogance that crossed his face than usual, but she didn't think much of it. There were millions of reasons that the Riddler would be acting like that.

He could have found a way to escape (which was slowly becoming difficult as Arkham updated its security every breakout which was surprising), he found out a secret which he could hold over another's head, or maybe he won something and was acting prideful about it. Those were a few answers that popped into her head. The first one, in particular, she wanted to be true. Harley hadn't been able to see Gotham in about a month and that was a month too long.

Maybe she could find out if it was an escape plan and join after Mister J came over to the Asylum. That way they could be free together. At least until the Clown Prince of Crime orchestrates another plan that'd, eventually, get either her or him, sometimes both, back to the Asylum. But if it meant spending more time with J, she'd do it over and over again. That's how would always be.

Now things started to clear up which guess was true when Harley walked to the corkboard in the Rec Room, only to find Eddy standing right next to it.

Now Harley had a very good reason for why that she didn't tell anybody about her little visits to the Doc, which was simply that it was embarrassing.

In Arkham, you gotta be tough, and visiting a therapist isn't a tough thing to do. But being with the Doc has been the most fun thing she'd ever done in Arkham. They played games, watched movies, and even shared deep and personal thoughts. Even when Harls was an old employee and usually recognized the tricks people would usually play, she couldn't help but get captivated by the doctor's warm and fluffy presence, even when they weren't introduced on friendly terms at first.

So it was no wonder why Harley decided to try to shoo away the self-proclaimed genius, so he wouldn't go spreading how she'd gone soft.

She walked to Ed, a big grin smacked on her face, "Well what do ya know? The big bad Riddler standing around. Don'tcha have somewhere to be?" It wasn't really lying, so she didn't stutter, but merely an attempt to get him moving.

It hadn't worked.

Edward looked Harley straight in the eyes with a smirk, "Au contraire, my dear clown, for I am exactly where I want to be. As are you."

Harley squinted her eyes. "Enough games, Eddy, tell me what you this is about." She crossed her arms too.

"You should know that I'm all about playing games. But I'll give you something: I followed the clues, the spots, the holes to cut into, and all your lies unfold." Ed gave an easy one at best. He knew to give her some chance of answering within seconds, so the conversation would proceed.

Harley got the answer immediately. There was only one thing she was lying about lately and it wasn't stealing extra bread from other inmates, it was the Doc. That could be the only explanation, Ed would be standing near the corkboard and talking about her lies.

"And w-why would seeing a-a doctah be of your concern? Huh, Eddy?" She tried her best to lie through it, pretending as if the small information didn't bother her at all.

Edward chuckled, "I wouldn't say that it isn't my concern. It merely showed up in the over the conversation with the good doctor. And let's not that 'street cred' you care so much about." Harls tried to speak, but Ed stopped her midway. "Nobody would want that little secret to get out, yes?"

Both didn't really know what the other was talking about. Harley thought it was solely her image while Ed was talking about using Danny for her gain.

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