Chapter 22: Past, Present, and Future

Comincia dall'inizio

(Y/N): Bam! How's that, Zelus?

Zelus: Gah... Stupid Canine!

Crystal: If you're actually trying to insult us, then good luck. We don't even take offense.

Zelus: Grrr... Annoying...

Infinite: Plus, you don't even know how that thing properly works, right?

Zelus: N-nonsense! Of course I do!

(Y/N): Go on then.

Zelus tapped the Phantom Ruby a few times, and nothing happened.

Infinite: Just as I thought-

The Phantom Ruby suddenly created clones of Zelus.

Meggy: Oh... Never mind.

Zelus: Haha!

Zelus Clones: You were saying?

Infinite: Oh, damn.

The clones grabbed Infinite, and started to beat him up.

Crystal: Honey!

(Y/N): Meggy!

Meggy: Got it! Hey, freaks!

Zelus Clones: Yyyeeesss?

Meggy threw a Splat Bomb at the clones, as it blew up and destroyed all of them.

Zelus: Dang it.

???: I see you have that... Cursed gem.

Infinite: Wait...

Future Infinite levitated down from a building, and landed beside Infinite.

(Y/N): Awesome!

Zelus: Oh, shit I forgot about that!

Future Infinite: Excellent work during the war, everyone.

Comet: Actually, I have a question, future dad.

Future Infinite: Hmm? What is it, young one?

Comet: Where... Have you been?

Future Infinite: I went ahead and spied on the Shadow Jackals.

Infinite: And...?

Future Infinite: They're getting stronger. Which isn't good.

Infinite: Oh... Great.

(Y/N): Let's not worry about them for now, let's worry about what's in front of us!

SmeshBras123: Yep!

Cristina: Hey, Zelus!

Zelus: What do you want?

Cristina began running around at light speed, which really confused Zelus.

Zelus: Wha?! Where did you go?!

Cristina: Over here!

Zelus: Stop playing these games-

SmeshBras123 appeared in front of Zelus, and punched the Phantom Ruby, which damaged it.

Zelus: Come on!

Infinite: Nice! Just like before, two more times and the Phantom Ruby will break!

Zelus: No you don't! Aha!

Infinite suddenly started to freak out.

(Y/N): Infinite?

Meggy: What did you do?!

Zelus: He's in one of my illusions!

Crystal: Snap out of it, Infinite!

Mario: Oh, I know!

Future Infinite: What?

Mario kicked Infinite in the pingas, as he screamed and fell to the floor.

Zelus: Oh, very smart!

(Y/N): Mario, seriously?!

Mario: What? You're just jealous of Mario's sexy brain! I have an IQ of three-hundred, biotch!

Everyone gave Mario a 'Seriously?' look.

SB123 Mario: ...That's a bunch of bullshet!

Comet: Yep.

Infinite slashed at Zelus a few times, as a storm of cubes appeared and flew towards the Jackal.

Future Infinite: I got this!

(Y/N): Hmm?

Future Infinite summoned his sword, and deflected the cubes.

Zelus: Ah, come on-

The cubes hit Zelus, as Machito stabbed her from behind.

Zelus: ARGH!

Infinite: Nice one, bro! Now...

Comet: Grab the Phantom Ruby, dad!

Infinite yanked the Phantom Ruby off of Zelus' chest, and she fell to the ground.

(Y/N): Awesome!

Infinite crushed the Phantom Ruby in his hand, as he felt it's energy disappear. 

Machito: Yes!

Zelus: Dammit...

(Y/N): That wasn't hard.

Meggy: Yeah!

Crystal: I'm happy you put that part of your past behind, honey!

Infinite: Thanks, sweetheart.

The two shared a kiss, as Comet grabbed Zelus by the neck.

Lucy: Go on ahead, Comet.

Zelus: What is a little chihuahua gonna do to me-

Comet summoned a small black hole, and kicked Zelus into it.

(Y/N): Whoa!

Meggy: Okay then... 

SB123 Meggy: I didn't know Comet could summon black holes.

A few seconds later, a skeleton flew out of the black hole, and hit a wall.

Infinite: Oh, shit. 

Crystal: I wonder what was on the other side of that black hole?

Comet: I don't think we want to know.

Machito: Agreed...

(Zelus, you should of probably gotten better at using the PR BEFORE fighting us...)

Anyways, lata!

Meggy X Reader: EndgameDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora