Chapter 3

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Josh and I moved into the safehouse apartment on Duncan Street in a quiet neighborhood thirty minutes away from River High yesterday after we finish catching up.
The guys from the agency helped us get settled in because we won't get a chance to today.

It's 4:30am,my alarm beeped thirty minutes ago so I got ready for my usual morning run that I always go on back home. The weather is a bit chilly at the moment so I put on my running clothes along with a hoodie and step outside in my Jordan trainers. I know today's going to be sunny as usual because of the early morning chill breeze. I made sure to leave a note to Josh saying that I'm going on a run and if I'm not back in 30 minutes then I've been abducted.

I made my way along the footpath going at a steady pace,my breathing is steady because my body is accustomed to the usual routine. I have on my earphones but I'm not listening to any music because I'm always alert.
I'm one of those agent's that doesn't need anything other than their limbs to defend themselves but me being me 💁 have a small butterfly knife in my trainer's secret pocket as well as a bobby pin in case I've been bonded either with a rope or a handcuff....

As I jog along the footpath I heard birds singing sweetly on the trees that bordered the side of the road and then I smelt chocolate, vanilla and strawberries the most amazing smell ever.
I don't know why but for some reason I felt butterflies in my stomach and I got an exciting feeling.
"Hmmm that's freaking weird. I guess it's because I forgot to drink my daily dose of coffee."🤷
I shake my head and turn around and jog back to the apartment.
When I got back I saw Josh making pancakes in the kitchen listening to his iPod so I smirked and ever so lightly padded over to him and scream in his ears.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! What the fuck Jen you made me get burn now, wailed Josh, putting his pinky finger in his mouth."

"Sorry babe I pout, but then smirked and said, not sorry you should have seen your face it was priceless." And I start laughing only to fall on the floor holding my stomach while Josh was trying so hard to say angry but failing miserably because I can see the smile that is silently making a way on his face.
"Bitch I really missed you all these years, you're the only one that understands me truly," he said while helping me up and pulling me into a hug.

"Come on go get ready I'm going and shower and get ready too we've got a school to crash secretly,"I said laughingly and add "Cousin" before I made my way up to my room.

I brush my teeth then get into the shower and wash my hair with my favorite strawberry shampoo and shower with my strawberry body wash as well.

I got out of the shower and select a pair of Denim Ripped shorts that hug my curves in the right places and a white crop top and pair them with my new white sneakers.
I made sure to put a gun with a silencer in my bag and two knives in my sneakers along with a bobby pin with my F.B.I badge in case I need it.

I grab my iPhone and Laptop and came downstairs to find a sexy looking Josh that dressed similar to me only that he's wearing a Denim Ripped jeans,a white shirt and white sneakers.
I laugh lightly telling him that people would think that we're a couple and he laugh along too.
We made our way outside and I see my baby along with Josh's waiting for us to get on.
My yellow and black Yamaha 250cc

My yellow and black Yamaha 250cc

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And Josh's Harley Davidson 1200

We got on our bikes and rode off racing along the way because there isn't much traffic

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We got on our bikes and rode off racing along the way because there isn't much traffic.

30 minutes later we arrived at River High. The parking lot is filled with rich spoiled kids making out, smoking and some even bullying others. I don't know why kids choose to come to one of the most expensive private school and not study they're just wasting their parents money.

As we got closer it's like time has been frozen because everyone was curious to know who was behind the helmets we have on and the fact that there's only one month left until the summer vacation as well as senior graduations. We already have a back up story so no worries.
As we took off our helmets boys start to wolf whistle at me and death glare at Josh.
I laugh at the thought that they don't know Josh's gay.
The girls death glare at me and are drooling over Josh because he's fit and is like a Greek God.

We made our way inside the building ignoring the stares and I try to control my mouth from responding sassily when a jock said"I'd tap that"and another said"I call dibs" like who the fuck they think they are because they're rich they can get any girl they want! Well news flash bitch it ain't gonna happen not even in your dreams I smirked at the thought and continue my way into the building.

We came across a sign that says Principal office and Josh knock,we waited for a second and enter when a voice said to.
The principal look up and said"so you're the next agents,"when we nodded he didn't ask anymore questions he just give us our locker numbers and timetables.
You see the old principal is in jail so we clone him with one of our agents so it wouldn't look suspicious.
He's helping us get some more information.

Josh and I timetables are different because we'll cover more grounds and finish the mission before the month ends. I've got most of the business subjects and science while Josh has all the computer subjects.

We said goodbye and made our way to our respective homerooms.

I was busy reading my timetable when I bumped into a hard wall and fell on my butt."Who the fuck puts a wall in the middle of the hall and why does it smell so good!?"
I was about to get up on my own when I felt two strong hands help me up I was confused at first but when I look up I'm meet with blue green eyes and when I say Australia got Greek Gods I fucking mean it because I couldn't snap out of my daze and it seems like the eye candy couldn't either but then I realized who I am and get myself together quickly, apologize and then made my way into my homeroom without turning back.

A/N: Another chapter's finish y'all.
Can you guess who Jen bumped into?
Do you think you'll see more of him?
And what was that smell she was talking about?

Continue reading to find out 😉


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