Depth of the Cold

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His voice trickled down her ears and into her soul. They had found her, but who were they.

As she lay on the hard wooden floor, she dare not breathe or move for she knew something bad could happen to her. Dizziness soared through her confused mind as she tried to recall the previous days events-- as far as she knew she didn't have school today, but what day was it? Her thoughts were quickly chased away by the sound of the cheeky strangers footsteps nearing towards her body a little more. That's when she felt it.

A strong hand gripped her forearms, pulling her up off the ground, and toward the unknown character. She crushed her eyes shut even more, as he spun her around-- frightened of what might be her kidnappers face, but when all was sound, she felt she could do nothing but take a small glimpse of his features. The tossled curls flowed heavenly around his smirking face, and his attitude spoke a million words. Of course, he appeared as if he could seduce any girl- but that'd be impossible with her. As she carried her eyes away from his hair she escaped her way to his shimmering, emerald orbs- the light dancing off of them in a melodious rhythm. He was absolutely flawless.

Snap out of it! She reminded herself as she quickly directed her eyes to the now, seemingly interesting floor below her. Beats of the heart pounded through her body, as the stranger still did not move his hand away from her. As the seconds passed, he slowly glided his hand up her neck- tickling her in a way, and across her jawline, ordering her to look into his eyes once more-- or she interpreted through his gestures. 

He knew she would not move, so he decided to help her out-- slowly, by pushing her jaw up to face him. That's when more voices came through the air of what seemed like a jail cell to the young girl.

"Harry, what are you doing?"

The boy, Harry, winked at her with passion and swiftly turned around, his hands still gripping her upper arms, to then face a tan-skinned boy with black hair. The boys eyes fluttered to her-- frightening her even more. What could these people possibly have to do with her? She wandered. As if on instinct, the other voices appeared and together, each boy approached her. What were they doing? 

"Hello babe, I'm Liam," he began pointing around to the distinct faces "that's Harry, Louis, Niall, and that over there is Zayn." Glancing over at the mysterious boy, she eyed him as his eyes desperately searched her soul. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, she began to back up but found she couldn't. Although it seemed like all of this had happened in minutes, it really had only been about seconds- maybe two minutes at most.

Niall flitted his hand up in her direction, warning her that her back was about to hit the door, but it was a little late for his actions. A loud thump carried out through the silence. Her hands searched aimlessly behind her back as she tried to hide her effort of escaping; however, Louis knew exactly how to play it off.

Gliding his way over to her, he happily walked to the side of her and postioned his hand behind her lower back causing her to jump forward in horror. Without another word, he regained his postion and pushed her effortlessly into the kitchen corridor where the room smelt of fluffy, sugary-coated pancakes. Each boy followed aimlessly after the pair, silently watching the events unfold. The boy, Zayn, countinued to eye her-- she observed-- but acting as if it was unnoticable, she uncomfortably sat down in a chair pulled out for her.

 "So what's your name love?" Louis quizzed; folding his arms in the process.Gulping down a huge lump that had just formed in her throat, she began to speak but instead a hoarse cough came out.

Worried glances came over the boys faces as she countinued her coughing rage. Harry rushed to get her a glass of water from the tap, while the she persisted in her actions. Her hand was against her mouth, trying to silence the deafening cough. The lighting around her grew dark will little rainbow spots coating various objects around her. Everything began to spin like a tornado in the meanwhile, and her lungs began to fill with the familar burning of smoke. Her mind told her to stand up, and so she did-- pushing her chair back behind her.

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