Whispers Abide

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"Shay come on! You always bail on me. I mean-- this is your chance to go out with the hottest guy in school and you want to quit? May I ask what is wrong with you?!"

"Jade you just don't understand. I have other plans tonight- I'm sorry."

Sighing heavily, Jade pulled her back off Shalila's locker and jogged towards her. Her tight grey skinny jeans and pink sleevless tube top was the hit of this Autumn day-- unlike last year's floral skinnies. Complimenting her top was some pink gladiator sandels, that weren't even out in stores yet.

"Shay. Will you please just consider it? Your plans for tonight might be able to wait!" Her friend insisted.

Turning around, she rolled her eyes and breathed in deeply then let it out of her mouth.

"Girl, you know if you do that anymore your eyes are going to roll right out of your head?" Jade giggled. Together the two laughed as the bell rang signaling the end of day. Gripping her books, she solemly replied, "Alright- I'll think about it and see what I can do. But there are no promises!" Jade squealed in delight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise you, you won't be let down! Yes!"

"Aha, alright then. Now I got to go meet up with Dean so I'll catch you later." she chuckled; turning around to head for the parking lot. "Alright! Remember: Call me with the details! Have a great summer Shay!"

"You too, Jade." She winced as she spit off to find her best friend.

* * *

Shutting her iPhone off she preambled towards Dean. "Sorry about that!"

"It's fine who was that?"

"Oh, no don't worry about it. It's just Jade making me confirm my date for this afternoon- you know, silly stuff."

"Yeah . . . silly stuff." he echoed after her; his eyes peering at the ground.

"Umm . . . Dean? Are you okay? Or do you happen to find the gravel on the ground very interesting?" she laughed to herself. Snapping into reality, Dean began to finish working on his car. "Yeah, the ground is interesting- but not as interesting as this blown radiator pump! I'm so sorry- I have no idea how this could have happened." He sadly responded while wiping his oiled-up hands on the front of his blue jeans. "It's okay." Shalila exclaimed, "But I better start walking home- I need to get ready after all."

"Yeah. . .  I guess so." Dean replied.

The way she walks is so cute. I can't believe she's going on a date with someone else! Maybe I should tell her how I feel. I just love the way her varsity jacket caresses her shoulders and arms- I wish I could do that. But now, whoever the stupid jerk she's going on a date with, is probably going to do that. I can't let that happen!

"Ugh, Shay?" He nerviously stuttered; fidding with his fingers as well while he looked down.

Turning around, Shalila smiled at Dean, then soothingly replied, "Yes?" with her comforting smile. Looking up at her, Dean half-smiled then replied, "Yeah, uh, have a great summer!" But before he could correct himself, she had already responded.

"You too."

And she was off again- over the hill and heading down it.

No, wait...


Hey, Hey, Hey- Beautiful lovelies!

Thank you so much for reading the beginning of my new book! I haven't got a lot planned, and with my other book still in progress I won't be able to upload this one as much but I will try.

A few of you liked my other book and are begging for more- thank you I really appreciate it! I love you all for reading it and replying, fanning, and voting for me! You guys are the world and I love to write for you!

It hasn't been mentioned yet, but I will have One Direction in this book!- so stay tuned!

I hope you all liked this chapter, so please give me some feedback and comments! Thank you all!

I love you :*

- Bekah

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