Find Me

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"Yeah, okay, Jade! Yes, I'm wearing the outfit you told me-- the jeans are cute, yes. Okay, I hear you! Haha! I got to go-- he's at the door. I will thanks. Bye."

Hanging up the phone, Shalila quickly puffed a spritz of perfume over herself and skipped over to the door. Stopping herself before the huge oak door to make sure she didn't look like she was rushed, she drew in a deep breathe and calmly swung it open. There stood Chad-- her date.

"Well, hello beautiful." he wobbily replied, kissing her cheek before entering her house. 

Shalila's smile quickly faded with his oder and reply. Examining him to see if he was high or just this was his flirting mode- she stepped back and he stumbled into her house a little more. Shalila's family was out for the next couple days, visiting her brother in Doncaster for his graduation at the University.

Breaking her thoughts, was Chad's deep coughs and white eyes rolling over to the back of his head. Instantly, her insticts kicked in as he began to tumble over.

"Chad? Chad are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, love." he spoke between deep breaths. "Have you been drinking? Are you drunk?" she questioned as his coughing continued. "No, I'm fine." he bellowed as he shakily began to get up from the marble flooring.

Grabbing his side and arm, she placed his arm around her shoulder and desperately directed him towards a seat. Greatfully he plopped down and pulled out his cell phone. "Look, I'm going to go get you some water. Okay? Just stay here."

Leaving the room, she raced to the kitchen with her chocolate brown hair flowing in the light breeze coming from the open window. Her small town was always quiet- and once word got out about someone or something- everyone knew. The town always had meetings and it was rare for any famous stars to come on down. All the stars such as Ed Sheeran or Cher Lloyd would go to the town over-- London. However, there were some rumors of some stars having secret pent houses in her town, but of course no one spotted them.

Draining the rest of the water that hadn't managed to get into the glass cup she was filling for him, she dried her hands and speedily walked over to where he was sitting. Placing the water down next to him on the side table, she watched as he was so interested in his phone- and not into her. He is drunk. "Look, I'll be right back. I have to go do something upstairs." Politely retreating from the corridor that held her 'date', she swiftly made her way up the narrow staircase and into her room. Plopping down on her bed, she sighed to herself.

 Why Jade. Why?

Looking to her side, she spotted a framed picture of her and her brother. He was like a best friend to her, up until he left for college and she was forced to find a new friend. Ultimately, that was alright because she ended up meeting Dean, and he wasn't that bad! But now, here she was-- locked up in her room with a drunken date at the bottom of her house.

Her room smelt of her perfume-- vanilla-- and she could always smell the lilac's blooming, but tonight was different. It was the night before December 1st, and the air was frigid. She assumed the lakes were also as cold- and the light pitter patter of snow would soon fall amongst her mansion.

Maybe I shouldn't say mansion-- more like estate. My dad isn't rich at all, no he's a lawyer- and yes they do make great money- but in this town, no one visits- so who needs a lawyer? You may be wondering how we have all this money then . . . well let's just say- my real mom- well she's married to a famous judge. Yup, you've guessed it-- Simon Cowell. But here's the thing-- my mom left me when I was 2 and  I don't plan on remembering anything about her. . . that's why I never have any pictures of her. I keep a teddy bear that my dad and her gave to me when I was a baby- the only thing they gave to me together. She sends money- which is how we afford this house- but I don't accept it. My brother handles all the things she sends me and takes care of them. I guess you could say he's my body guard.

As the lilac's and vanilla escaped through her windows,  the cream colored curtains blowing inward at her, she began to feel faint. That's when she smelt it: fire,  something was burning and she knew it was near. The smoke gushed through from under her door and at her face as she approached the locked door. The burning handle melted into her skin as tears formed into her green eyes. The sensation of pain filled her hand as she turned the handle- and smoke encountered her face.

Her eyes closed from the shock, but she reopened them because she knew she had to get out of the house. Feeling her way down the staircase- she heard the voices of strangers. "Yeah dude. I know this house is awesome- a great place to hit! I got all the jewelry now we need to get out of here!"

"Chad comeon! We got to go!" another stranger yelled out.

Right away, Shay interpreted their voices to kids from her school. Chad's best friends- Tom and Kevin. Her heart burned as the smoke filled her longs. Tears streaked down her face as the fire continued to ignite. She stuggled to find the door through the thick, black air surrounding her body. As she locked in on the door through a small hole in the fogginess- she jerked open the huge door that was half way on fire- still coughing. Her eyes fluttered with dizziness but she new she had to get out.

Clutching the teddy bear she was holding in her hands- she pushed back the door some more- so she'd have enough room to get out,  the cold air rushing at her. Knocking her back a bit, she regained some focus and ran out of the door.

That's when she heard the boy's voices. They hadn't left yet and they were making sure the deed was done, but they had spotted her.

 "Hey you! Come back here! Guy's it's the girl!" Foot steps sounded after her, yet she pushed her shaking body onward-- the fuzziness of her eyes clouding her vision in on and off patterns. Knowing that they would step in and run after her, she planned ahead and darted for the woods. She knew they wouldn't be able to find her in there and in this late hour- they wouldn't want to be in there.

 Bushes and branches poked at her in all different angles, yet she still raced on. Shouts and swear words filled the air behind her. They filled the cold, cold air that tried to pry at her warmth. There she left behind her belongings- her past, her memories (the good ones), and her jacket. Everything was gone in the fire-- including her driver's license.

The only thing she had left was her teddy bear. The only soft thing that she really had besides her shirt and pants- and the only memory that caressed her right now in this suffering moment. Her mind still dazed by the smoke- she began to still herself to a pace. The numbness nipping at her nose and feet. Her converse had small holes so the air easily got to her barely covered toes- and she felt them freeze as she ran. Holes seemed to burn through her heart- or so she figured- and they made her feel like it was about to explode! She was now in an open area unknown to her and everything was growing blurry for her.

 Where was she? Would they find her?

 Time passed as everything around her grew worse. The smell of smoke filled the back of her nose, choking her slightly. Tears still pouring from her eyes, a single wet one trickled down her cheek: the last one stilling there. Everything began to grow darker in the light of the moon, and then, it was gone.

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