A Matter of Time

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Whispers filled the dark air around her. Was it them? Did the Tom and his friends find her in the woods? Where was she?

A constant thumping took place in her brain, her heart picking up speed then slowly calming down again along with her ragged breaths. Her mind frantically searched for answers, pressuring her to open her heavy eyes, yet she just couldn't. Everything was such a daze and she began to slip back into another deep sleep.

~ Harry's P.O.V.~

I could have sworn she woke up. . . hmm, maybe it was just my imagination.

He thought to himself as he sipped some more of his caffine-filled, mint tea. Just moments before, Louis had stumbled off to sleep-- not being able to take as much caffine in him as Harry-- so all who was left was Harry to watch the unidentified girl. He curiously eyed her; watching as her slowly breathing continuously replayed over and over-- her chest rising and falling with every new intake of air. She had no jacket, but was covered in a blanket the boys had found-- well not really found. It was Harry's from when he was little, he always carried it with him on tour when they moved from place to place, but it was all they had; besides, the girl had been almost frozen to death-- it was such a small sacrafice, for such a beautiful girl-- he observed smuggly in his mind.

As much as he tried to understand, why someone could be so cruel as to leave a girl of her age- what, fourteen? fifteen?-- alone in the eve of winter-- it didn't make sense to him. Could this girl possibly be an outlaw? No, she's too young. . . then why would she be by herself  in the snow? Pondering his thoughts, the girl quickly stirred; surprising him in a startling awakening. Gently and as silently as he could, he tip-toed over to the couch in which she lay, and peeked over the cushions at her. False alarm, she was still out like a goner.

Deciding not to look like a creep, he backed away and returned to his now room-temperature tea. Sipping a bit of it, he slowly slipped into a harmless sleep-- the night winning the fight.

Caffine- 0     Night's Sleep- 1

~Jade's P.O.V.~

 Ugh! Why isn't this girl answering my texts! I mean I bet I've texted her atleast 400 times. Now I have nothing better to do than to watch the boring news. This sucks.

*New Channel Alert*

News Anchor: "Yes Chuck, the cause is unknown but a random fire has sparked in a vacant house~ or atleast that's what we think. Firefighters believe that there was no people active in the house at the time- the neighbors have reported spotting the family who lives there leaving approximately two days ago. Little has been recovered from the scene- as firefighters were late to respond- but they are issueing an alert out. If any of you people know where any of the members who live in this household are, please call this number: 1-800-539-4418."

"Now Linda, is there any address to the house so people may know for sure what information is correct?"

"Yes, neighbors report the house as being number 826 Cherry Blosson Ave. 33596 Please call if you know anything! Thank you!"

"Alright Linda, I hope whoever owns that house and the family memembers are safe an alright. Thank you and take care."

"You too Chuck." Her heart skipped a beat. Could this be true? There was only one way to find out- but she wasn't sure if it would work.


Gasping for breath, I awoke with a sincere sensation of pain and burns. My nose filled with the scent of smoke, yet I saw none around me. Could it have just been a dream? Where am I?

 Nerviously, she got up from her place on the fluffy couch and shakily got up. Here memory was vague and everything around her was so unfamiliar. Having no idea where she was, or what had caused her to have such a horrible dream, she desperately looked around her for an exit-- and then she spotted it.

Glancing around her-- as to make sure no one was near her to witness her leave-- she swiftly made her first foot step over, but the floor boards began to creak-, and VERY loudly. Voices began to come from the far hall way and she knew she had to make her hasty escape-- it was now or never. Bolting towards the door, she pulled on the latch, but it didn't budge. Unlocking every possible lock on that door-- which there happened to be three-- she again tried to quickly open the door, but the quiet pulls began to become louder and louder with each attempt and movement of voices nearing her. Finally she jerked the door as hard as she could; falling to the floor on her back.

Her eyes winked shut in teariness and fright. She had to act fast but so much exhaustion and pain filled her spirits. She was terrified to move but her heart felt as if she had no other choice but to. The voices grew closer with time as she lie on the solid, wooden floor. Each one laughed but at the same time whispered-- probably thinking she was asleep. She didn't have much time before they discovered she had moved, and she was scared out of her mind for that, but the voices continued to edge their ways toward her ears; her heart pounding roughly inside her-- and then one spoke.

"Well, hello love, where do you think you're going?" he cheekily replied.

Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.

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