11 (ii) - Jadine

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"You gave them our Melody 5 demo?"

"Yeah," said Lyric. "That's cool, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I suppose," replied Jadine.

"You suppose?" said Lyric. "Jay, I worked on your stuff for free. I thought the least I'd get in return was the chance to show off my hard graft!"

"Yeah, of course," said Jadine, realising how ungracious she sounded. "I'm just surprised they liked it that much. Not that it isn't good, but they're The Aura Kicks!"

"I know," smiled Lyric. "It's insane, right?"

"And what did they think about us? You told them about our videos, right?"

"I've only been in the studio with them for a week, I don't want to push it. But when the time's right, I will."

"Oh, okay," said Jadine.

Lyric eyed Jadine closely. "You seem pretty underwhelmed for me, Jay."

"No, I'm pleased for you."

"Really? 'Cos you haven't said 'congratulations'. Or even asked me how the hell it's going?" said Lyric. "I'm bricking it on a daily basis that they're going to find out I'm some no-mark loser who doesn't know the first thing about production."

"That's never going happen," said Jadine. "You're a fantastic producer. I've always thought that - that's why I wanted to work with you, remember?"

"Guess I can be pretty shit-hot," conceded Lyric. "They asked me to come in and try out with them for a couple of days, but I've been there for a week now. We've done five tracks already! They won't all end up on their next album, but even if one or two do then..."

Jadine smiled and nodded in all the right places, but she wasn't really listening. So Lyric had got a big break off the back of a Melody 5 demo - when was the same going to happen for the band itself? Lena currently had them playing level-D gigs all over town, but how was that going to help them take off? Why wasn't she touting their demo to labels, or getting online music aficionados to promote their songs? All the girls were busting their asses, working day jobs, writing songs, playing gigs - when was it going to pay off for them?

"Are you even listening, Jay?" asked Lyric.

"Erm, yeah," mumbled Jadine.

"Typical," said Lyric. "If it doesn't revolve around you or Melody 5, then you're not interested."

"That's not true," bristled Jadine.

"Even the reason we're not together is because of the band," said Lyric hotly. "You want to concentrate on your career. I get it. But I'm not going to wait around forever, Jay."

"I never asked you wait around," she retorted.

"And that's the killer," said Lyric. "I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do. Wait for you? Not wait for you? Would you even mind if I got together with someone else? Probably not!"

"Yes, I would," snapped Jadine. "I mean, not that I can stop you."

Jadine could feel herself getting into an uncharacteristic fluster and didn't like it.

"Lyric, you've got to do whatever the hell you want."

"What I want is to make music and be with you!" he shouted. "But that's not going happen is it?"

Jadine was determined to be honest. "Not while we're working together, no."

"But we're not working together now! I haven't produced anything for you guys for a month."

"But we will work together again."

"Then I quit! If working with you for the next 50 years means I never get to be with you then I'm done!"

Lyric got up and stormed into his tiny kitchen.

"You can't quit!" raged Jadine, as she followed him. "You're our producer. You're our sound!"

"Not any more," said Lyric. He stood at the sink with his back to Jadine.

"Oh, I get it," said Jadine. "Now you're 'in' withThe Aura Kicks, you don't need our little band any more."

Lyric let out a laugh and turned to face her. "Jadine, I never needed your band. I love working with you girls, but at the end of the day I did you a favour."

"You did us a favour? Oh my! How honoured we should be!" spat Jadine, hating her sarcastic tone, but unable to stop herself.

"You know I didn't mean it like that," seethed Lyric. "I meant, I don't need the band - I need you!"

That stopped Jadine in her tracks.

"Jay, you make me a better person," said Lyric, gently taking Jadine by the arms. "You stopped me rapping about all that crazy shit that doesn't mean anything. You helped me recognise what I should be doing with my life. That's what I need. You. Crazy, annoying, beautiful, you!"

Jadine looked deep into his eyes. His dark, soulful eyes and all her longing for him threatened to overwhelm her. She knew he wouldn't risk kissing her. She knew any sign that she wanted him had to come from her. She wanted to, with all her heart she wanted to be with him, but her head told her that getting mixed up with Lyric would distract her from her music and that's where her focus needed to be right now.

"I need to concentrate on the band," said Jadine. "I don't have time to get involved..."

Lyric stepped away and turned back to the sink.

"Fine," he murmured. "I think you should go to bed. Like you said, I'll take the sofa."

"If you're sure," said Jadine.

"Yep," said Lyric quietly.

"Thanks." Jadine turned to leave, then added, "I'm sorry, Lyric. I wish it could be different."

"It could be, Jadine. It's you making it this way."

Jadine didn't know what to say and headed to Lyric's bedroom. She lay on his bed, next to a snoring gently Rhian. What a lucky escape Rhian had had tonight. Then Jadine pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked her messages.

As she suspected there was one from Benjy at The Granite Rooms telling her that she couldn't just walk out halfway through a shift and issuing her with a verbal warning. There was also a message from Amy...

"Hi Jadine. Have you heard from Rhian? We don't know where she is and no one can get hold of her. Her crazy mum's turned up for a surprise visit and she's losing it bigtime, because she reckons we've lost her daughter. She's talking about dragging her home on the first train back to Wales in the morning. Call me if you know anything."

Jadine sighed and texted back.

Rhian's fine.

She's with me at Lyric's.

Sleeping over.

We'll be back in the morning.

J x

That's all the band needed right now - to lose their producer and a band member in one night! Jadine knew she had to give Melody 5 her upmost focus if they were ever going to make it and if that meant doing it without Lyric, then so be it. Even so, as she breathed in the scent of him from his sheets and his smell embraced her, Jadine felt a few gentle tears fall down her face.

Melody 5 - Rising StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora