Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Day Sixteen (continued) in the Arena

Everyone turns around and stares at me incredulously. A dark secret has come to light and it feels like a weight has dropped on me.

"Willow, is that true?" Luca asks me.

His eyes are filled with worry and disbelief. Those same eyes that have gleamed with joy, sadness, humor, anger. Impossible to lie to.

"I did what I had to do to survive. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt, much less get killed" I babble.

"You didn't think stabbing Eric in the heart would kill him?" Coral squeals.  

"I had to stop him, you know what he was planning" I protest.

Coral shakes her head "You're lying".

"What are you talking about? You hated him. You said you were glad he was dead." I shout.

"Don't believe a word she says." Coral exclaims. "She'll turn on all you, just watch"

"Why should we believe you? You lead us into a trap!" Mason interjects.

"That was a misunderstanding!" Coral protests.

"Sure it was" Alexis scoffs. "Get outta here, Coral"

Coral looks horror stricken. She throws her hands up in the air in an attempt to looks exasperated.

"I can't believe you're siding with her. She's a murderer!" Coral shrieks.

"And you're what, a saint?" Luca says. "We took pity on you, trusted you and you let us down and betrayed us. Then you denied it and accused Willow of being a liar? That's not someone I want on my team"

Coral's bottom lip quivers and her eyebrows knit together.

"You're-you're going to kill me?" She trembles.

"No, but we are hoping you'd be on your way" Luca answers. 

"But I don't have anywhere else to go. You can't kick me out the alliance." Coral says.

"I don't want you anywhere near me, and it seems like that opinion is unanimous. So, yeah, I think we can" Alexis says.

"No, you can't. Everyone's not against me. Where's-where's Cooper." Coral panicked.

"He died, Coral." I answer.

"You-you probably killed him." Coral exclaims.

Silence. Alexis and Mason considers this for a moment. I have no alibi, no defense. Coral has me trapped. 

"That's ridiculous" Luca jumps in.

"Leave, Coral" Alexis says, with menace.

"Fine" Coral spins around and begins to stomp away. "You're all stupid. Trying to play best friends in a one winner game."

Then Coral disappears into the trees. Alexis rolls her eyes and sighs heavily. If Coral's words had any effect on Mason, he doesn't show it. Luca however, stands with his arms crossed, gnaws his lip and stares intensely at the ground as if mulling over something. 

 What is Coral playing at? It's like she's trying be manipulative like her brother, but she hasn't learned the rules yet. I hope she never does. I wouldn't want to be the one to kill her.

For the rest of the day, there's a certain awkwardness in the air. No one talks about Cooper, or Coral's acquisitions, or Coral at all. The events of today swirl around in my mind like a whirlpool swishing faster until it erupts into a tidal wave. I have to say something or I may go crazy.

"I know what you're all thinking, so you can right out and say it" I say.

"How many more people have you killed" Alexis asks me.

It's a fair question, given the circumstance, but coming from Alexis, it's a whole other story. Her sideway skeptical glances paint a clearer picture of what she thinks of me than her ever words could.

"Just Eric" I say icily. "Although if you're counting people's deaths I could have prevented, then I guess you could count Cooper. Then there's the girl from District 11. And Julietta – I could have prevented Julietta's death. And I did attempt to kill Cleo and Antonio, but that was only because I thought they killed Luca..."

"What are you talking about?" Luca asks, bewildered.

"You're gonna have to start from the beginning, sweetie" Alexis says, condescendingly.

I tell the story of what happened in the last couple of weeks. Luca's frown grows deeper and deeper.

That night Luca and I are on lookout and whilst Mason and Alexis catch some sleep. Luca has been silent all day. He seemed to be waiting until nighttime to discuss what happened, when I am too exhausted to think clearly.

"You should have never left me at the Cornucopia." Luca whispers.

I guessed correctly. 

"You've been waiting to say that all day, haven't you? You're still angry, aren't you?"

"Yes! Do you want me to say it yes! I'm still mad at you for leaving me at the cornucopia. Do you have any idea what I've been through? Every single time the cannon boomed I thought it was you. Every night I thought I was gonna be you're face in the sky. It was hell." Luca raises his voice slightly. His whispers come out fast and harsh, his eyes aflame.

Absurd terror shoots through me. Luca is usually a clear level-headed person. He never loses his temper – apart from the time I nearly jumped off the balcony. How long ago was that? It seems like an eternity.

"I'm sorry. I was just scared" I whisper.

His expression softens and all the anger seems to seep out of him.

"So am I" he replies.

Luca sits down and turns to me as if he was about to add an afterthought, but then his expression changes completely. He goes from deeply saddened to fearful.

"We've got company" Luca murmurs, grabbing my arm.

He isn't long in retrieving an axe from the hollow tree, and I soon follow, spear in hand. As we venture further into the forest, the sound of leaves crunching as they are being trampled makes my head jerk around. A small lanky figure in the distance jogs towards us. As the moonlight sets on the figure, he becomes clearer. The small wispy boy who was nearly killed by April. Jake. That's who it is.

His face creases as if distraught. Then his face lights up when he spots me. The girl who saved him. I am no threat. Jake careens towards and calls out my name. Before I know what's happening, Luca shoves me aside and swings his axe and hits Jake in the side of the head.

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