Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Individual sessions

This is the most important part of the training course: The Individual Sessions. Where we will have some time alone to show the Gamemakers what we're made of.

Some tributes had some really useful skills that would probably boost their chances of winning. Others, I suspect, will be keeping their talents hidden until the Individual sessions.

I, on the other hand, am pretty sure I have no talents to show off in front of the Gamemakers. That's why I feel a knot of nervousness in my stomach and my heart slamming against my ribcage, as I walk into the gym.

The Gamemakers look pretty bored by this point, since they've just had to sit through twenty-two other tributes throw their weight around. My aim is to impress them so much they will award me with a high score. The higher the score the more sponsors.

I try to look confident as I walk over to the weapons table and pick up a small throwing knife. The knife doesn't seem to be that heavy. I'm sure I could do some damage with it.

I stand in front of the mannequin and hurl the knife at the target with all the strength I possess. The knife doesn't even hit the mannequin. I stare in disbelief at the knife that's stuck in the freshly-painted wall.

It's a little disheartening but I won't let one mistake intimidate me. I remember what Luca said to me the night I nearly jumper off the balcony. I was a resilient person. But that was a million years ago.

I come to the conclusion that it would be best to try again with a knife almost identical to the one I just used. This time it does hit the mannequin but it hits the arm not the target. This is defiantly an improvement but not quite what I was hoping for.

I try and I try and I try but after little success, I decide to try a different weapon. As I pick up the long, sliver spear, I glance up at the Gamemakers who scoff at me.

They think they're so superior. I hate the fact that they are in charge of my life right now. I hate this situation. I wish I could change it. End it. End all of it. The Tributes parade, the Tribute interviews, the training sessions. The Hunger Games.

I want to burn this place to the ground. I wish I had something inflammable. The Gamemakers are staring at me now, probably wondering why, I haven't done anything in a while.

I turn around and fling the spear at the target. It nearly hits a light, which makes me wonder what would happen if the spear did hit the light. I never noticed before but the gym is filled those same blue glowing lights. They are all very pretty, especially the one hanging over the Gamemakers heads.

I can't believe I'm actually considering this. It's a stupid idea. It's suicide. It won't help matters at all. The Gamemakers aren't even paying attention to me anymore. They're too busy eating all their scrumptious food.

Just looking at the yummy food makes my stomach rumble. Before I even realize what I'm doing, my hands are already picking up the spear and launching it in the Gamemakers direction.

To my surprise, the spear does in fact hit the light, causing the light to fall off the wall and hang by a couple of wires. Some of the wires slice in half in the process. Sparks rain down on the Gamemakers, which causes pandemonium.

One of Gamemakers hair goes on fire after one of the sparks lands on his head. I have to stifle a laugh when I see this. More of the wires start snapping and more sparks fly and land on the table cloth, which erupts into an inferno so quickly; it makes me wonder what the table cloth is made of.

I can feel a bubble of laughter in my throat which bursts in to hysterics. I set the place on fire and now I am laughing about it. I must look like a madwoman.

A siren starts to sound throughout the room piercing my ears. I'm guessing it must be the fire alarm. The ceiling starts raining and everyone is panicking. Avoxes try and put the fire out by throwing water over the fire but it makes it worse.

The whole building had to be evacuated. The tributes had to stand outside of the training centre, under the watchful eye of the peacekeepers, and watch the building go up in flames. Everyone was escorted back to their apartments, while I was escorted into another building, and locked in a room to starve. Well I assume they're starving me, considering no one has come back for me.

Two peacekeepers walk in and hold the door open for someone else. No, it can't be.

"That was mighty brave of you. Burning down the training centre like that" President Snow says, sitting down in the plastic chair opposite me.

"I-I didn't mean to" I splutter, still shocked to meet Snow in person.

"Oh, you and I both know that you had every intention of burning that place to the ground, Willow"

I feel my mouth go dry. I have no words and even if I did I doubt I would be able to say them.

"I hope I'm not too intimidating, Willow. I was hoping we could have a little a chat about what we are going to do with you"

Every time we make eye contact, Snow's eyes bore into mine. It's like he is staring into the pits of my soul.

"You do know what happens to little troublemakers like yourself?"

I shake my head, vigorously. I don't think he has soul. If President Snow does have a soul, it would be cold, icy and black, like his heart.

"Well usually they would be executed in the most exquisite fashion" Snow says with mirth.

Oh.My.God. What have I done?

"Oh don't worry" says Snow, after seeing my worried expression, "We wouldn't kill our most interesting tribute so far. I think we'll leave you to the other tributes".

"You mean you're letting me go?" I ask, confused.

"Not exactly. You'll be allowed out for the tribute interviews but you will be kept in this room until The Hunger Games"

President Snow turns to leave, then stops and says to on of the peacekeepers:

"Keep visitors to a minimum"

Snow is nearly out the door but there is still so much I want to say to him. It's now of never.

"How do you sleep at night?" I shout, rising to my feet. "How do you sleep at night, knowing you sent 24 children to their deaths? You have a son. How would you feel if he were taken away and killed right before your very eyes when there was nothing you could about it?"

The peacekeepers restrain me by grabbing my arms. They obviously think I'm a threat their precious Snow.

There is no remorse on Snow's face. Just the same cold demeanor as he always wears. No emotion at all.

"My Coriolanus will never have to serve that fate. Nor will any other child from the Capitol. Their parents never started a war that left thousands dead. You district citizens always talk about how awful the dark days were and how many district people were killed but seem to forget that hundreds of people from the Capitol were killed too. They never did anything to you. They were just innocent civilians".

"I'll keep that in mind when they're jeering at me, deciding whether or not I'm worth sponsoring, deciding whether or not I live or die"

"Yes, I believe you will keep that in mind" President Snow says, walking out the door. "Oh Miss Lockheart. Congratulations on your very impressive training score. A 12 is very hard to achieve".

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