"Good," said Molly, clearing her throat which had suddenly gone dry. "You?"

"Yeah, pretty good," said Derren.

There was an awkward moment, which both of them tried to fill...

"Listen, that thing at the showcase..." said Derren, at the same time as Molly said, "So, about the showcase..."

They both stopped and smiled.

"I know it's customary for ladies to go first," said Derren. "But can I get something off my chest first?"

Molly nodded.

"I was a total dick!" said Derren. "I don't know what came over me! When I like a girl I usually put on a few decent moves before hitting her with a declaration like that. In fact I don't think I've ever made a declaration like that. Which was probably why it made you laugh your head off."

Molly couldn't help smiling at his sincerity and the fact that he was glowing a slight shade of pink. In fact she found it kind of endearing.

"Anyway, although I still find you highly attractive," he said, with a saucy twinkle in his sexy blue eyes. "You don't have to worry about fending off any more ridiculous revelations from me. We're work mates now - nothing more."

Molly didn't know why she felt ever so slightly disappointed by that statement, but she did. Even so, she knew it was for the best.

"Now, your turn," said Derren, returning to his usual businesslike manner.

Molly wondered whether she should tell him about the white lie she'd told Amy. After all, if he and Amy got close again, it was bound to come up and he'd wonder what the hell Amy was going on about. She decided honesty was the best policy.

"I told Amy that I came on to you at the showcase," she blurted out.

"What? Why?" asked Derren.

"Because she thought you'd come on to me, and I thought it wouldn't make her feel as bad, if I said it was the other way around."

"You did that for me?" asked Derren, incredulously.

"No," said Molly. "I did it for Amy. She was feeling pretty low and I didn't want her to feel any worse."

"Right," said Derren, as he took it all in. "And was she cool about it?"

"She seemed to be," said Molly. "But only because she thought I didn't know you and her were... Well, whatever you were to each other."

"It was just a fun fling," said Derren. "Amy knew that."

"Her head might have known that," said Molly. "But her heart didn't."

Derren at least had the decency to look shame-faced.

"Amy's a great girl," he muttered. "She'll bounce back!"

"Bounce back?" said Molly. "And to the think I almost thought..."

Molly turned on her heel and headed for the door.

"Thought what?" yelled Derren after her.

"Never mind," said Molly as she yanked open the door. "As you said, we're work mates now - nothing more!"

"That was great, Kat," called out Derren, raising his voice to heard in the busy market. "Right Molly, time for your solo sync."

Molly had been thinking so hard about that exchange with Derren in the rehearsal room that it took her a moment to realise now he wanted to film her solo shot for the video. She soothed down her hair, cleared her throat and handed the iPod to Jadine. As she stood in front of the camera, she suddenly felt self-conscious. She'd been fine filming the group shots with the girls, but now, with Derren's directorial gaze fixed solely on her, she felt awkward and tense.

"A bit to your left," ordered Derren. "And chin up."

Molly did as he commanded and wondered what Derren was thinking as he stared down the lens at her. Her throat felt dry so she licked her lips then instantly regretted it - what if Amy thought she was coming onto him?

Her eyes darted across to Amy, who was still merrily flirting away with the stall-holder, but occasionally looking over at Molly and Derren.

"Nah, this is no good," announced Derren. "Let's go down by the canal."

"Will you need this?" asked Rhian, holding up the reflector.

"No. The sun's back out, we'll have more natural light."

"Thank God for that," blurted Rhian. "My arms are killing me!"

As the girls trooped down to the canal, Derren walked next to Molly. "Just relax," he said. "It's not me behind the lens, but your potential fans. You've got to share this great track with him. And have fun!"

Molly gave a gentle laugh, relieved Derren had picked up on her worries and knew how to settle them.

"Here's good," said Derren, stopping at the side of the canal and positioning Molly against the lock. As he lined up the shot and the girls looked on, Molly gazed at the water. The words to the song that Kat had written, Same Star, popped into her head as she watched the ripples dance in the sunlight.

Your ripples soothe me

They take me to a place I never knew

All of you, can move me.

As Molly started to sing in front of the camera, she didn't think about her potential fans watching her, just Derren McKenzie.

Melody 5 - Rising StarsWhere stories live. Discover now