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Echo's POV:

I went to my dressing room and looked in the mirror. Conceal every feeling you have for that lunatic. I took a breath and left the room.

I kept my head to the ground and avoided everyone until I collided into someone's chest. I looked up and saw the one person I didn't want to run into.

"Can we talk Echo?" He asked. I ignored him and walked away. Please don't follow. Please don't follow. I heard footsteps following me. Dammit.

"Echo Please hear me out." He seemed desperate but I don't care. "You fucked up Ambrose. You lost my trust and I don't think you'll get it back."

I continued walking until he grabbed my arm. "Echo, please. You need to understand." I looked around and saw a camera looking towards us.

I smiled and looked at Ambrose. "No. I don't need to understand anything. You need to understand that I'm no longer the same person I used to be."

I looked at the ground then back up at him with my signature smile. "I would watch your back from now on cause you ain't gonna get any remorse from me anymore."

I pulled my arm free and walked towards Hunter and Stephanie. "That was great Echo." I nodded and cursed cause I sounded a little bit country.

"Yeah well, Ambrose needed to be put in his place." They nodded and looked behind me. I looked at saw my cousin.

"What up Trev?" I said. "Ambrose needs to be put in his place and I'm going to help you." I smile and looked back at Stephanie and Hunter.

They seemed confused. "We are cousins." They nodded but I could tell that they were planning something. I just shrugged it off and walked towards the exit.

Trevor caught up to me and it seemed like he was lost in thought. "What's on your mind Trev?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"I feel like Hunter and Stephanie are planning something?" I nodded. "So I'm not the only one who got to watch their back."

We went our separate ways. I looked around and saw Ambrose looking at me. I just rolled my eyes and walked towards the exit.

"Echo wait up." Someone said and I sighed. I stopped and waited for them. "So Ec. What's the plan?"

That voice. I looked over and saw Finn Balor. "Uh, I don't have a plan. I make it up as I go." He nodded then said something that made me freeze.

"What If Ambrose makes things complicated?" I took a breath a looked at him. "They won't cause I'll have you and my cousin by my side."

We walked out. "When I return, I will come back with a newfound energy. I will be known as The Survivor."

The end

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