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Jon's POV:

"No." She said. He went towards her but she seemed unfazed. I looked at Colby. "I've already called the police." He whispered and I nodded.

Jacob stepped closer to her and she just smiled. "I would leave now Jacob." "Or what? What are you goi-" He went to grab her but she twisted his arm.

He was in pain when the police showed up. "We'll take it from here miss." They said and she pushed Jacob forward.

When they left, Colby went towards her. "Echo look at us." "I'm going back to the hotel."She walked off and we all looked at each other.

"She doesn't know where the hotel is." Joe said.

John Cena's POV:

I answered the door and saw Echo there. "Echo what's going on?" I asked. Everyone has been looking for her.

"I need to calm down. Can I stay here?" I know what she means so I nodded. She walked in and sat on the couch.

She was distant. That match really messed her up. I pulled out my phone and sent Colby a message.

JC: Echo is with me right now. She's still distant.

I sent it and put away my phone. I looked at Echo who was zoned out. The door opened and Colby, Jon and Joe walked in.

They looked at Echo who was staring at the floor. Colby realized something and turned to all of us. "This is Jon's mess so he has to clean it up." He was pointing at Jon.

Echo's POV:

I heard footsteps leave and the door shut. "Echo?" Jon said and I made my hand into a fist. He came closer.

I was forced to look at him. "I'm scared Jon." He looked me in the eyes. "What are you scared of?"

Did he seriously ask that? "Bray Wyatt, Jacob."My phone went off and it was a message from Stephanie.

S: Miz tv tomorrow.

I groaned and passed my phone to Jon. "Add Miz to the list." I stood up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I rolled my eyes. "Back to our hotel room." I opened the door and came face to face with the others.

I scoffed and walked past them. Joe came beside me and opened the door. I went straight to the couch and passed out.

Time skip

I made sure I was in my ring gear since Miz always starts a fight. "And did you see the match last night?" He asked the crowd as a video recap played.

I rolled my neck. "I mean,are two of the most unstable-" My music cut him off and I was handed a mic. I walked down the ramp and jumped in the ring.

"Why are you calling me unstable? Yeah I might be crazy but unstable? No." He smiled at this. "Why is your name Lunatic Ryder then? Huh Ryder?"

I turned away from him and looked at the crowd. "You know what Miz? You're right." I turned and looked at him.

"I am unstable." I walked towards him. "Which is why i'm asking Stephanie and Triple H for a handicap match. 2v1 and Hell in a cell."

The Authority's theme came on and we looked at the ramp. "Ryder are you sure you want this match?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Stephanie. I want this match." "You have a match against Miz and another opponent of his choosing tonight."

They left and I looked at Miz who was smiling. "I'll see you later Ryder." I left the ring and went backstage.

I walked right pass Jon, Colby and Joe. I knew that was going to happen. "Echo what the hell was that?" Colby asked from behind.

I stopped and faced him. "It was me getting a match." I was never in the right mind but right now Colby is pissing me off.

"What you did was stupid ." That's it. "You know what Colby? I'm tired of all this. I'm going to ask Stephanie if Jon is able to be out there with me."

I went to walk away when he stopped me. "You are a Lunatic."

Jon's POV:

I looked at Colby as he said this. I looked at Echo who turned to face us. "Screw you Seth. Don't bother me anymore."

She went to walk away. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Why does it matter?" I went to grab her but she walked away.

"Nice going Colby." Joe said.

Time skip

Echo's POV:

I went to the gorilla and gave the tech guy my new walk out music.

So I kneel and pray
All my wasted days away
I just wanna find a way back home
Just let go
I'm moving on
All these wasted days away
All I wanted was a way back home

I walked out and everyone seemed shocked at my new gear. (photo at beginning of chapter) I smiled and got in the ring.

The familiar theme of Miz came on and I smirked. At the top of the ramp stood Miz with Wyatt. Oh shit. What did I get myself into?

Just focus all your anger towards Colby and remember what Stephanie told you.


I walked into the Authority's office and looked at Stephanie. "Hello there Echo. I have a new story line for you."

I was actually interested for this one. "What is it?" She smiled and looked at Hunter who nodded.

"During your match, me and Hunter will come out without Seth. We will be by ringside when the cage is being lowered."

"What about Dean, Seth and Roman?" She smiled. "They aren't allowed or they will be suspended." I smiled.

Stephanie brought her hand forward. I shook her hand with a smile on my face.

End of Flashback

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