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Echo's POV:

"I'm scared Colby." I said with my voice breaking. He nodded and looked at me. "I know you are but we won't let anything happen to you."

I looked at Jon who seemed uncomfortable at the moment. "I have a match against him apparently."

They all looked at me. "What?" I sighed. "I know." They went to speak when I was called to the gorilla.

They left and I changed into something that I know will make the crowd go crazy. (Photo at beginning of chapter.)

I went to the gorilla and looked at the tech guy. He nodded and my theme played.

Life was hard and I got down
But I got up and carried on
Time passed so slow The life I lived was all in vain
A worthless show, a pointless game
Time was so cold'Cause I can live a lifetime living these lies
I can laugh and act OK
I can show a smile and say I'm happy
But there has got to be a better way

I walked out and the crowd went insane. I brought the mic up to my mouth. "I'm back out here because Triple H gave me another match."

I looked at the ground. "It's against someone that you don't know." I was about to say more when the Authority's theme came on.

I rolled my eyes and turned to face them. "You are right. They haven't seen him. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome, Jacob Kris."

I rolled my shoulders and passed the mic to the ref. Jacob came in the ring and got ready. "It's a no DQ match."

Awesome. I can try out some new moves. We locked up and Deans theme came on. Why? Jacob looked at me. "Your boyfriend wants to protect you Ry Ry."

That name is forbidden. I pushed him away and kneed him in the gut. I went to the turn buckle and went to the top rope.

The crowd began chanting my TNR move, Suicide flip. I went to do the move when I was brought to the mat.

Finn Balor's theme came on and Jacob looked at me. "Who the hell is he?" I was about to answer but he choke slammed me.

How the hell does he know how to wrestle? Wait. It's a no DQ. I looked at Finn and Dean. "No DQ." I said and they got into the ring.

Brays theme came on and he came after me. I stood up only to be taken down by sister Abigail. I screamed and stood up.

I attacked Jacob and sent him to the mat. I am not losing this match. I don't care if I end up in the hospital.

I set him up for Wyatt line and followed through. I went to the top rope but got thrown off. My knee hit the mat and it hurt.

Ricochet's POV:

I looked at the screen and saw my cousin (didn't see that coming huh?) hit her knee on the mat. I looked at Aleister and nodded.

We went to the gorrila and the tech guy played my theme. We went out and my cousin looked at me. She seemed shocked.

We ran to the ring and Aleister toke care of Jacob while I went to help my cousin. She looked at me. "Trevor why are you helping me?"

"Why would I let my favourite cousin get killed by her crazy ex boyfriend?" She smiled then stood up and flipped over me.

I looked and saw Jacob on the mat knocked out. Echo covered him. 1. 2. 3. The bell rang and she ran and jumped in my arms.

I knew she was crying. "My dads dead." She said. "I know. Do you want to go to the funeral?" She shook her head.

I understand though. He hated her. She spent most of her life at my place because she didn't want to be at her place.

I rubbed her back and looked at Tom. He nodded and I removed my cousin from me. "Listen to me. Stay away from Ambrose."

She seemed to understand and nodded. "I already know I have to stay away from him." She looked at him and glared.

Deans POV:

She glared at me. She's never done that before. She hates me. I looked at Roman and he shrugged.

I need to get her to like me again. I watched as she left the ring with Ricochet. Why him out of all the superstars?

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