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Echo's POV:

I walked out and saw them looking at me. "You're leaving?" I rolled my eyes at this. "It's a no DQ match so everything goes." Joe said.

I looked at him with my eyes wide. "What?" He shrugged his shoulders. I walked out and went to the gorilla and saw John looking at me.

"Echo?" He asked shocked. I nodded and he came towards me. "I'm sorry about this match." I rolled my eyes at this.

"I'll be fine John." He nodded. Joe and Jon came to my side and I could tell that they were in Roman and Dean mode now. Time to get ready.

Our theme came on and we ran down the ramp and jumped into the ring. I looked up and saw the cage for hell in a cell.

I looked at Jon who was looking at me. A flash of worry came across his face. The Authority's theme came on and all of our opponents came out.

Bray was looking at me as well as Orton and Undertaker. Well that's just great. "This match is a handicap match against the Authority and the Shield." The ref said.

"No DQ and it's hell in a cell." Those words made me freeze. Hell in a cell. No. I looked at Colby and saw him smiling. Why that little.

The bell rang and me and Joe hoped out of the ring. I looked and saw Orton and Bray coming for me while Joe had the undertaker.

"Dean!" I yelled as he got thrown out of the ring. I was grabbed and thrown in by Orton. Seth grabbed me and slammed me in the turn buckle.

I stood up and went and did Ryder flip but he reverse it. I landed on my back. "Lower it! Lower it!" Bray yelled.

I stood up and looked around. Dean was looking at me and Roman was making his way towards the ring.

Dean's POV:

I have to make it back in the ring before the cage is all the way down. I make my way there and see her power bomb Seth.

Echo's POV:

I watched as the cage was on the ground. I didn't see Dean or Roman anywhere. I turned right around and came face to face with Seth.

"I'm sorry about this Ec." I glared at him as we locked up. "You're not sorry. You never were." He pushed me away and smiled.

"Don't look back." I know Bray was behind me and he set me up for sister Abigail and followed through. Seth is so dead.

I stood up but got speared into the cage. I just laid on the ground not getting up. Jon came in my line of vision and he looked concerned.

"You good?"

Seth's POV:

I watched as Echo came back in but she was distant. No. She's in maniac mode. I looked at Dean and mouthed "Sorry brother."

I went toward Bray, Orton and Undertaker. "Go after Echo. I'll deal with Ambrose." They nodded but I was dragged then flipped on my back.

I saw Echo smiling at me. "Sorry Sethie." She said calling me the nickname that she had for me. Orton grabbed her and did an RKO.

She just laid there motionless and I smiled. I looked over to Dean and saw him coming after me. I picked her up and placed her in front of me.

"Come on Ambrose. Make a move." I told him. I felt Echo move and tightened my grip. She grabbed my arm to get me off.

"Nice try Ryder."

Echo's POV:

I looked at Dean. He seemed concerned which is out of character. I toke a breath and kicked Seth on the knee. He let me go and I went to the ground.

I quickly got too my feet only to be clothes-lined. I looked and saw Orton get taken down by Dean.

I went to get up when Seth came over and wanted me to tap out. "Hey Ambrose. Look at poor little Echo."

He was taunting Dean but calling me little was another thing. I moved my head and bit his hand. He backed up and I slammed him to the mat.

I could tell that he was stunned so I took this chance to cover him. 1.2.3. The bell rang and I sat on my knees.

I could hear the crowd going wild. I stood up and was turned around. Lips met mine and I closed my eyes.

They broke off and I opened my eyes. Jon stood there with a smile. He walked away and I was left to my thoughts.

Jon's POV:

The Authority's theme was heard and the crowd stopped. Joe came beside me. Hunter came out with a smile.

"Nice job Dean. You did the one thing that made her lose herself." I was confused. Seth came beside them.

"She has a crazy side Ambrose and when it comes out, no one can stop her. What you did was made her remember a memory that she wanted hidden."

I looked at Echo and saw her shaking her head. She stood up and looked at all of us. She was distant and her eyes were a darker shade of blue.

She got out of the ring and went up the ramp. Bumping shoulders with Seth.

Echo's POV:

I went in the dressing room and changed into street clothes. (Photo at beginning minus the headphones) I know that everyone's going to come look for me but I don't care.

I left my bag and just grabbed my phone. I ran out and hauled a cab. I got in and he looked at me. "Closest dance studio."

He turned back to the front and nodded. I zoned out but came back when we arrived. I payed and ran out.

I ran in the studio and saw my dance group. "What are you guys doing here?" I was confused. "We were here for a show and toke a break until we saw your match."

So that's why. "Can we just dance?" They nodded and I set up my phone.

I turned and faced my group. They were looking behind me and they pushed me behind them, Creating a wall.

"We just want to talk to Echo." Colby's voice rang through. Sam turned and looked at me. I shook my head.

"Sorry but she doesn't want to talk to you." Sam said turning to face them. I have to make myself distant.

I zoned out and remembered what happened at the match.

Sam's POV:

I turned back around and saw Echo with her back towards me. "Echo?" I asked. "Yeah?" She said but with a hint of crazy.

I looked at Seth. "She's lost it again." "Well that's because she remembered." A familiar voice said.

"Jacob." She said. He laughed. "Yeah it's me. Now come with me." We all looked at her as she turned around.

She tilted her head. "No."

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