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Your POV

I opened my eyes and stood up to stretch my body, after that, I did my morning routine as usual.

'I wonder if I can still control fire without being in a dream' I looked at my hand, and snapped, a small spark showed up but no fire, I kept snapping, till a small fire emitted from my hand, I look at it in awe.

I think I'm going back to the kingdom today to train more powers and hopefully learn enough to protect myself from any danger, especially when I know the bad guys will get out somehow and escape, and while they escape I'm guessing they're gonna snatch me as well, might as well warn ink about it before it's too late.

I went downstairs and greeted a few sanses, also asking where Ink is, Chess said he saw him go to the art room while he was playing chess with a fuming Blackberry, and a dumbfounded Ocean, poor them, why would they even challenge him to chess when his universe is based on chess itself?

I thanked him while looking at the board one last time, they made the wrong move, the king was gonna get taken by the enemy knight, and while I thought about that, Chess took the king and laughed, saying something that I couldn't hear.

I walked to the art room giggling at their defeat, I opened the door to hear ink humming and painting something on a canvas, I slowly and quietly went to his side and looked at the painting. It was a beautiful floating island with a kingdom on top of it, the blue and purple blending perfectly well together, making it look like the waves of the ocean, the stars were perfect on the background, ink added a few more small details, and stepped away, bumping into me.

He quickly looked at me with red targets on his eyes, his eye changed back to a purple circle and blue exclamation mark "Oh! I didn't hear you come in Ms. Y/n! Good morning to you." He smiled at me, I smiled back and looked at the painting again.

"Good morning to you too ink, your painting looks very unique and beautiful!" I smiled at him again, he had a rainbow hue on his skull, what's with these skeletons and colors on their face? A blush? Or is it a part of their emotions? I have no idea.

"Oh by the way ink, I'm gonna have to go back to the kingdom for a week or more, I hope you don't mind that I just have some business to do there, a princess has her responsibilities as well." He looked at me In shock and sadness, his eye changing into blue tears, but he nodded.

"Alright then Ms. Y/n, we're gonna miss you! I'll tell the others why you're gone for a bit, I hope you stay safe and I hope you finish what you need to do!" I nodded and kissed the top of his skull, a thank you for understanding what I need to do, his face was back to having a rainbow hue, this time it covered a lot more of his skull.

Then I remembered something "OH! I almost forgot, Umber, please be careful with the bad guys! They might escape soon, I don't know how but I have a gut feeling that they will soon, this is another reason why I'm leaving." Ink snapped out of his thoughts, still having a small hue on his face, he nodded.

"I trust you, Cobalt, and Daffodil to keep the others safe, alright?" He nodded again and smiled while posing, I giggled "Yes Ms. Y/n! Thank you for entrusting the three of us to protect the others." He bowed down and quickly left the art room, rushing to tell the other two I guess.

I sighed and quickly whispered a spell to open a portal, I looked back once more before going inside, arriving at the basement. I sighed, I'm gonna miss them dearly, 1 week may be short, but, here, it's about 49 days.

I heard the door of the basement creak open, there stood the nurse peter, did they expect my arrival?

"Welcome back Ms. Y/n" he bowed down b before opening his mouth to speak again, "The king and queen have both caught an illness, the gods suggest to leave them alone, only we medics can enter, but with safety equipment to avoid spreading the unknown illness." I looked at him in shock, My siblings? An unknown Illness? All when I was gone? How?

" Thank you for notifying me nurse peter, you may take your break" I smiled at him, and he smiled back and left. My smile soon flattened as tears threatened to fall, What will happen if their illness won't disappear? What if they die? What will happen if they die? Am I gonna have more responsibilities? What will my parents think? wait, what if they also get the illness somehow? what will happen? What will happen to everyone? What will happen to the village? What will happen to me?!

I had tears coming out of my eyes, I was whimpering as my chest tightened, it hurts to cry.

I inhaled and exhaled, slowly calming myself.

'Don't overthink it Y/n, they'll be fine! My parents and siblings are powerful! How can a stupid illness kill them? But...no, no, nO, NO! STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! THEY'LL BE FINE!' 

I clutched my hair tightly and told myself to stop thinking about it repeatedly, a few more tears fell from my face before I eventually calmed down. I quickly forgot about the illness and started walking to my room, changing quickly and speed walking to the training room. Why am I walking so fast?

Before I went to the training room, I grabbed a few books of magic, just so I can learn and know what magic I don't know yet, better to be advanced than sorry. I stopped reading one of the books and stood up from the ground, Summoning a few things with my creation spell, then started thinking of guards, archers, mages, and horsemen.

After a few moments of trying, I finally summoned a few of them, I couldn't summon the horsemen though, since I have no idea how to summon animals, and I need the horse to summon them.

I trained my creation magic more and more, then after I took a quick break I started to work on my element magic, support magic, defense magic, and a few more, this is gonna be a hard and long week. I had also asked my siblings to help me with my magic when they were allowed to come out of their room, they also taught me a new type of magic that wasn't in the books, they said not to tell mother and father, the magic was MIND.

What was supposed to be my reason? I forgot what it is, it's not important anymore, it's more Important if I work harder.


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