"It's probably hard to get that job. Plus, I'd have to go to university again."

I nodded. "That'd be an issue.."

My phone rang, and I looked at it.

It was Miles.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Aya?! Oh, Aya! You have to help me, darling!" He panted.

"Woah woah, what's wrong?" I sat up.

"I've been assigned to babysit my coworkers sister's child and...Jesus Christ, this child is the devil spawn!" Miles said, obviously stressed.

I chuckled. "You're calling me over to take care of a baby with you?"

"Please, Aya! I beg of you!"

He seemed so desperate. I could resist.

"Fine. I'll be there soon."

I looked at Phoenix. "Got a bike?"


Once Phoenix dropped me off, he peddled away quickly. He said he was gonna look for a part-time job that'll help him pay better.

Poor guy...he deserves better.

I knocked on the door politely.

Miles frantically answered the door, and once seeing me, pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh, Aya! I knew I could trust you!" He said.

I chuckled. "Alright, there, there." I pat his back.

Once he pulled away, I spoke.

"Y'know, you're gonna have to learn these things. I'm not gonna be a housewife, and someone has to take care of our future children." I smiled, kissing his nose.

I walked inside and looked around.

The baby sat on the floor, playing around with a paper.

"That was Case File 64512..." He frowned.

"Was it important?" I chuckled, walking over to the baby.

"In fact, every case file is important. No matter how old or new, no matter how important or insignificant. A case file is always a case file." He raised a finger.

"Okay, smarty pants." I chuckled, picking at the babies mouth in attempt to make him let go of whatever moist paper was in his mouth.

"Come on, sweetie, let go." I smiled.

And with that, he spit it out into my hand.

It was disgusting, but it was better than him choking.

I threw it out and looked at Miles.

"Thats all you had to do, Miles." I chuckled.

"That was greatly revolting." He said, frozen.

The baby then started crying, either wanting milk, attention or a toy.

I rushed over to him.

"Hey, honey, what's wrong?" I asked, as if he'd respond.

He just kept crying.

I picked him up, and let him suck on finger.

"Miles, does he have a bottle?" I looked at him.

"N-no! He didn't really come with anything but a.....maraca...?" He picked up a rattle.

I laughed. "Miles, that's a rattle."

"Oh. Maybe it'll help?" He said, handing it to me.

I grabbed it and lightly started shaking it.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Look! See? It's your toy!" I smiled, trying to calm him down.

He calmed down for a bit, and grabbed it from my hands with his little baby fingers.

He babbled with a little smile, shaking the rattle while bouncing up and down.

I smiled softly and played with him for a bit.

God...I love babies.

"This demon child speaking indecipherable words. Hmph." Miles crossed his arms, walking over to his desk.

But I suppose, with this fella around, we aren't getting any.

"Geez, Miles, you were a baby once too! What? Did royalty get the best of you?" I giggled.

He flinched. "N-no! But I surely didn't say...whatever that devil is speaking! I surely knew English words.."

Yeah, I bet you did. Maybe when you were 2 you knew the meaning of apoptosis.

The baby yawned and made grabby hands at me.

"What does that demon want from you?" Miles put on his glasses, getting ready to study.

"He's tired." I picked him up, sitting down on the couch and letting him lay on me.

"Can you play some classical music? Something that's soft and sweet?" I looked over at him.

He nodded and played a song featuring a harp and soft piano.

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, stroking the child's head.

"Which one is this?" I asked, keeping my eyes closed.

"Ave Maria, covered by harp and piano." I heard him get out of his seat.

"Have a great rest, love." He kissed my head.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face and a tiny baby holding onto my shoulder.

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