Chapter Six: Ghost of the Past

Start from the beginning

"Or how about Iraq, 2014?" Sledge continued. Kade said nothing.

"Your readin' didn't work again, you and a comrade stepped onto land mines, your guy was dead instantly. Now you're just an old, sorry excuse for a man who has more steel rods and screws in ya than bones. Your "reading" is horseshit, make. A fluke. Ain't nothin' to ya but pretend and make believe. I know leadership when I see it. You ain't it." Sledge said venomously. No one said anything. Ela was feeling too many emotions to say anything. She wanted to scream, cry and punch Sledge all at the same time. Kade stuck his cigarette in the ashtray.

"Compelling." Kade said, seeming as if he couldn't mean the word any less.

"All of this, just because you want to sleep with Ela? Pathetic, Seamus. Truly. Your physiological profile certainly said nothing about your fragile masculinity." Kade said. Sledge growled.

"I'll show ye how fragile my masculinity is, ya bastard." he said. Kade motioned to the makeshift exhibition ring the Russians had made in the middle of the Rec center for drunken fun.

"Be my guest, we can throw down right here, right now." Kade said. His tone was light but his eyes seemed deadly. Sledge huffed, tearing off his shirt and stepping into the ring. Ela wanted to tell them to stop. But she couldn't. No one could. They all just followed the two men with their eyes, the silence now complete. Kade also took his short off, revealing all of his tattoos to the rest of the crew for the first time. Caveira whistled, which made Ela prick with irritation, but she still said nothing. At this point, for all the things Sledge said, she was hoping Kade would pound him into the ground. The anger and hatred in the air was almost palpable. Some of the operators had actually gathered around the two at this point, drawn to the spectacle; curious on how it would conclude. Kade paused for a moment, lighting another cigarette.

"Not even gonna take your glasses off, ye arse?" Sledge asked leeringly.

"No need, Seamus. You will not touch me." Kade said menacingly. Sledge shrugged, stepping towards Kade with purpose. He threw a haymaker, only to be blocked by Kade with a slight crack sound. Kade quickly jabbed him in the face before delivering a punishing kick to Sledge's side. Sledge fell back slightly, holding his side. Kade released smoke into the air, a cocky smile on his lips.

"I told you, didn't I?" Kade said mockingly. Sledge roared in rage. He went in for the tackle, only for Kade to ball up his fist and bring them down on Sledge's back, making him crumple to the ground. As Sledge slowly forced himself up, Kade delivered another swift kick to his chest, sending him sprawling on his back, breathing heavily. Kade stepped onto his chest, leaning down until Sledge began wheezing.

"If you ever snoop around in my life again, I will kill you." Kade said coldly. Blowing more smoke into his face before letting up off his chest. The wordless air seemed to finally break. Thatcher helped his comrade up, whispering something about "being daft" and "you bloody idiot". Mute, who was never one for speaking, bowed deeply in front of Kade.

"I sincerely apologize on behalf of that bloody oaf. Don't know what he's talkin' about, that one." Mute said gruffly. He seemed almost used to apologizing for Sledge. Sledge, while a fantastic leader and soldier, was incredibly pig-headed and stubborn; sometimes to the point that it was overbearing and rude. This was certainly one of those cases. Kade put a hand on Mute's shoulder,

"Don't fret Mark, Seamus is just very impassioned. I don't blame his actions on you or anyone else." he said. Kade put his shirt back on and grabbed his jacket, leaving the rec center wordlessly. Zofia tried to dissuade Ela as she stalked up to Sledge, but it was no use. Ela slapped Sledge hard across the face.

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