Chapter Four: Date Night

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"Zhis new operator, Kade, I've heard he is quite ze character." he said. Montagne took a seat next to his shield brother, clapping him on the back.

"Good to have you home, my friend!" he said enthusiastically. Blitz wrapped hi arm around the giant's shoulders,

"Ah, I couldn't stay away from you long, you start getting anxious." he teased. Montagne laughed, shrugging him off.

"No, but now I have someone to consult for improvements on my shield." he said. Blitz's face suddenly darkened. Bandit smirked,

"Ha, poor bastard's shield was done in during ze mission. He's got a lot of work to." he said. Ela cast a sympathetic towards Blitz. An operator's gadget was akin to their most prized possession. Then she was reminded of her lost Grzmot mine.

"I'm going to the workshop." she said, waving a farewell to her comrades.

"Oh, say hello to comrade Kade when you see him!" Tachanka said, sitting down next to Finka. Ela waved him off, her mind already lost in the process that was making a Grzmot mine.

The workshop was a moderately sized building split into three parts: A computer room, a shop room, and a sitting area. When she walked in Jaeger was already there, he grunted as she walked by. He was never very communicative, rather, there would be times where he loved to talk and others, where he'd be almost as silent as mute. She ruffled a piece of trident gum out of her pocket, laying it on his work bench. He took it, muttering a zank you. It was how they had first become friends. She was only three days new to Rainbow base, working on her Grzmot mine's when he, without saying a word, passed her bench and laid a piece of trident gum on it. She said thank you and, after that, they would always talk in short burst, until Jaeger decided he didn't want to anymore, or was just bored. She began her process by grabbing all the metal bits she needed, and a welder. She adjusted her headphones on her head, deciding to enjoy some music while she worked. She loved the chaos of punk rock, particularly bands from her home country, like KSU and The Analogs. The adrenaline rush that came with the thrashing instruments and throaty vocals was almost as invigorating as combat or Finka's boost. Somehow, the chaotic music allowed her to focus as she meticulously constructed her mines. She then got a tap on her shoulder, which jumped her out of her skin. Her loving sister, Zofia, stood behind her.

"Hello, Ela, how has your morning been?" she asked, settling onto the bench next to her. Ela could feel the adrenaline pounding in her head.

"Ah, good. You scared me out of my skin sister, I told you not to sneak up on me." Ela replied. Zofia giggled,

"Mm, yes, I must remember my little sister is easily spooked." she taunted. Ela gave her sister a smart kick on the bottom, making Zofia cry out in surprise. Jaeger looked over, sweeping an agitated look their way. Ela turned back to her work while Zofia muttered apologies Jaeger's way.

"You shithead." Zofia hissed, making Ela snicker,

"You asked for it." she said. Zofia huffed indignantly, beginning maintenance on her Lifeline launcher. While the two sisters had certainly grown closer, there were times when their rivalry of old would spurn itself up now and then. It had amounted to anything serious, simply teasing back and forth; wrestling if the teasing really got to them.

"I got a call from Alfons, this morning." Zofia said. Ela perked up,

"Oh? How is Amanda doing?" she asked. Zofia beamed,

"Oh! She is doing just wonderful, she is learning how to read, and Alfons told me she finished her first book last night." she said with a fondness that could only match that of a mother. Ela was happy to hear it. As the child's godmother, she took almost as much pride in Amanda's accomplishments as Zofia. Almost.

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