"Guys and girls...I know you want to hear Peter play, but you need to practice.", said, Mr. Stan.

Everyone started laughing and went back to practicing. Peter was looking at Wade and smiled. After about forty-five minutes, the whole orchestra was practicing and then Mr. Stan said it was time to get on the stage. Everyone walked onto the stage and sat down in their seats. Peter was at the end of the stage since he was the concertmaster. The curtain then opened and everyone started clapping. Peter then walked to the middle of the stage and played the A string on his violin. Everyone then started tuning and stopped after ten seconds. Mr. Stan then walked onto the stage and cues everyone to get ready for the first song. Peter got out of his seat and moved up to the front of the stage for his first solo. The conductor then started the beat and the orchestra started playing Bach Fugue in A Minor. The orchestra was together for about a minute and then Peter started his solo. Tony and Stephen were in the front and admiring Peter's solo.

"I didn't know that Peter had a solo. Did he tell you?", whispered Tony.

"No, actually. He didn't tell me either.", replied Stephen.

Peter playing the violin made the audience more into the music. After five minutes of the first song, it ended and the audience started clapping for Peter. Peter then bowed and went back to his seat for the next song. After about thirty minutes, the orchestra was in the middle of their last song. Peter was playing his last solo and glared at Tony and Stephen. He then smiled and Tony and Stephen smiled back. The song then ended and the audience was roaring with applause. Peter bowed again and then the whole orchestra got up and bowed. The curtain then closed and everyone walked off the stage. The moment the orchestra entered the orchestra room, they started chanting for Peter because of his solos. He then smiled and sat at his seat next to Wade. The whole class started talking about random stuff that Wade and Peter didn't care about. Wade and Peter sat their awkwardly and had nothing to talk about. They just smiled at each other. Wade then grabbed Peter's hand and dragged him to the corner of the room and kissed him.

"Peter...you look...so...", said Wade.

"What?", asked Peter smiling.

"You're sooo hot right now. You in a suit is so cute.", said Wade smiling.

"Wade...stop it...", said Peter smiling.

"OOOOOOH!", said the whole orchestra.

Wade and Peter started laughing and went back to their seats. Some of their classmates were behind them and kept asking Wade and Peter if their going to the dance in two weeks. They replied yes to everyone and their classmates started to freak out and they said they're really happy for them. After about forty-five minutes, the teacher told them to get their stuff ready and to find their parents. Wade and Peter found Tony and Stephen in the auditorium.

"Kid! You never told us you had solos! You did great!", exclaimed Tony.

"Thanks, Irondad.", replied Peter.

"Oh, by the way, Wade, your mom called me and said you can stay over for tonight.", said, Stephen.

"Really? That's cool.", said Wade.

"Wait, did you get bothered by lots of people?", asked Peter.

"After you guys left the stage, they said your name and the audience started looking for us. Someone then found us and started pointing us out.", replied Tony.

"Oh.", said Peter.

"Let's go now. It getting late and you guys need to get to school.", said, Stephen.

They all went out of the school and into the car. Wade and Peter fell asleep in the back and Wade's head was on Peter's shoulder. Tony and Stephen looked behind and smiled.

"You think Wade and Peter's relationship will actually last?", asked Tony.

"Of course it will! I know it!", replied Stephen.

"How do you know...oh wait...", said Tony realizing his mistake.

"Oof.", replied Stephen.

They then arrived back at the Avengers building. Peter and Wade woke up and smiled at each other and held hands. They all got out of the car and were all tired. Peter and Wade both went into Peter's bedroom and changed out of their concert clothes. They then got into their bed and immediately fell asleep. Tony walked into Peter's room to check on the two of them. Wade and Peter were fast asleep. Wade's arm was around Peter's body and made Tony happy for Peter. He then walked back into his room and hopped into bed with Stephen.

"You think Peter is going to stick with the violin?", asked Tony.
"Yea...he could pull off being a soloist.", replied Stephen.

"I'm so glad we have Peter.", said Tony.

"I'm so glad to have you, Tony.", said, Stephen.

"Stephen...", said Tony.

OMG 1765 words!  

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