Chapter 21: Water Colossus

Start from the beginning

Angelina: Wait, what-

Perfect Chaos fired a laser out of his mouth, as it hit Angelina and the others.

Crystal: Guys!

Angelina fell into the water, and started to panic.

ReaderFromWR: Shit! I got Angelina, you guys keep fighting!

(Y/N): Hey, you!

Perfect Chaos turned around, and stared at you.

Meggy: Come on, fire that laser of yours at us!

Perfect Chaos opened his mouth and prepared to fire another laser.

Hyper Infinite: Thanks for the distraction!

(Y/N): Get that boi!

Perfect Chaos quickly turned around and fired his laser at Hyper Infinite, as the Jackal easily overpowered the laser and hit the colossus' weak point, making it yelp.

Meggy: Awesome!

Crystal: Watch out!

One of the tentacles hit the building you were on, as it started to collapse.

(Y/N): Shit! Get off!

You began to carry Meggy, and jumped onto another building.

SB123 Mario: My turn!

Crystal: Let's go!

Perfect Chaos roared at SB123 Mario and Crystal, as water tornadoes appeared and flew towards the two.

SB123 Mario: Whoa!

Crystal: Uh uh uh!

SB123 Meggy: Hmm?

Crystal fired lightning into the water tornadoes, as the lightning flew out and shocked Perfect Chaos, making him yelp again.

SB123 Mario: Not bad!

Crystal: Get him, SB123 Mario!

SB123 Mario flew to the head of Perfect Chaos, and hit the weak point a few times. This caused the giant to twitch like crazy.

(Y/N): He's going insane!

Perfect Chaos sunk into the water, and appeared in another part of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Comet: He's not done yet!

Hyper Infinite teleported everyone to a building close to Perfect Chaos, as more water tornadoes emerged.

SB123 Mario: We'll stop the tornadoes! 

SB123 Meggy: Our turn! Other me?

Meggy: Let's do it!

The two Meggys turned into Krakens, and jumped up to the weak point.

Meggy: Double Kraken Rampage!

SB123 Meggy: Take this, monster!

The Krakens slammed onto the weak point, as Perfect Chaos yelped and hit a building.

(Y/N): He's getting weaker!

Crystal: Nice!

More tentacles rose from the water, as one of them hit both Meggy, sending them flying into a building.

(Y/N)/SB123 Mario: Meggy!

Meggy: Ow...

SB123 Meggy: That hurt...

Perfect Chaos fired a laser at the building.

Crystal: No!

Hyper Infinite quickly appeared in front of the laser, and stopped it with his hands.

Crystal: Alright! Nice one, honey!

Hyper Infinite: You may be strong... But I'm stronger!

(Y/N): Hmm...

You looked around, and found a spear lying on the ground.

(Y/N): Aha!

You picked it up, and aimed at the weak point.

(Y/N): And... Hiyah!

You threw the spear, as it went into Perfect Chaos' weak point.

Hyper Infinite: Oooooh, that's gonna hurt!

Perfect Chaos let out a loud yelp, and started to get angry.

Meggy: Uh oh...

SB123 Mario: I think we made him angery!

Hyper Infinite: No shit, Sherlock!

Perfect Chaos fired another laser at Hyper Infinite.

SB123 Meggy: Infinite, look out!

Hyper Infinite: Oh, please...

(Y/N): Oh?

Hyper Infinite flew directly through the laser, and grabbed the Master Emerald inside of Perfect Chaos. He teleported out and smiled.

(Y/N): Alright!

Comet: I'll finish him off!

Perfect Chaos turned back to his normal state, and fell onto a road.

Hyper Infinite: Get him, son!

Comet summoned Titan, and threw it at Chaos.


Titan crushed Chaos, turning him into a puddle as he melted away.

Hyper Infinite: Haha! Another one off the list!

SB123 Mario: Boom, gotcha!

Metal Sonic: Crap-

SB123 Mario kicked Metal Sonic's head off, as it bounced on the ground.

(Y/N): Three villains down! 

Meggy: Wow!

Hyper Infinite: Let's go check on the others to see if they're okay. 

SB123 Mario: Okie dokie.

You carried Meggy again, and flew over to Angelina and everyone else.

(Sonic Adventure 1 memories... Ahhh... The nostalgia is-)


Anyways, lata!

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