Chapter 54.

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 Jimin was tired. Tired of sitting down on the same chair for days. Tired of being practically starved. Tired of being used to relieve whatever sexual frustration his kidnappers seemed to be feeling.

He didn't want to die, but he didn't want to live.

Most of all, he was confused, hungry, tired, and absolutely done with life.


"How do you think you should even begin with this?" Yoongi sneered. He was all for finding Jimin, but having no plan didn't really help much of anything. 

Jackson sat on his hands, having taken a chair from a different table and dragging it over to the other three's. "I have no clue. I- I guess we have to try and find out more about the place he was kidnapped."

They all sit in silence, and Yoongi can feel his hope slowly leaving. All of a sudden, though, he stands up, shouting.

They all jump, wondering why the moment of silence was ruined. Yoongi looks as if he's found something out, "Namjoon was searching stuff up, trying to get some information. We can go to him."

Taehyung raises a brow. "Since when were you with Namjoon?"

Yoongi just scoffs, waving Taehyung's question away. "What I'm saying is, that we can go to Namjoon and Jin. I'm sure they would know something."


Seokjin is still sitting on the couch after the fight, zoning out. He thinks about Jimin, and about Namjoon. He was alone, seeing as Namjoon had gone to their shared room, trying to cool down.

Two loud knocks are suddenly heard, and he jumps. 

Why the hell would anybody be visiting them now?

Standing up, Seokjin feels his energy sap away as he slowly walks to the front door. When he finally gets there, he flinches at the louder, more impatient knocks. Wondering why anybody would want to talk to them so badly, he looks through the peephole. He bites back a curse, seeing Yoongi.

Opening the door only a bit, he peeks his head out. "What do you want?" He croaks.

Yoongi only scoffs, kicking the door slightly with his shoe. "We'll tell you if you actually let us in."

Jin raises an eyebrow in question, opening the door wider, to see his friends, and a random guy that seemed to be standing weirdly close to Hoseok. 

"Come in." He lets go of the door, only closing it when everybody walks inside. He gestures toward the couch, and everybody but Yoongi sits down. Yoongi stands up straight, a serious tone lacing his voice. "We need the information that Namjoon has."

Suddenly feeling defensive, Jin huffs, crossing his arms. "I thought you were going to actually tell me what was happening?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "We want to find Jimin by ourselves," he sneers, "and we need Namjoon and his information to do that, or at least start."

Jin's eyes widen. He hears the door to their shared room open, and his head whips back to watch Namjoon step out of the room, a defeated look on his face. 

"I suppose there's no getting out of this." He sighs.

Seokjin just smiles slightly, nodding. He finds himself feeling way better as Namjoon walks up to his side, leaning into Jin just a bit. "I'll give you the information. But you have to let us help more than just giving you info."

Yoongi smirks, nodding. "Sure."

(A/N: This is so cringy and small. I'm sorry.)

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