Chapter 31.

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Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting on the couch, enjoying their time together. Taehyung was living in this moment, and they both were just looking at each other and smiling. Usually, Jungkook has work all the time, so they're never able to hang out. But now, they have the opportunity, and they did not waste it. Basically, for 2 hours now, they've been snuggling on the couch, just watching a movie that both of them know they're not really listening to.

Basically, all they've been doing is listening to each other breathe curled up on the couch. But Taehyung wanted to think it was more than that, and it honestly was. They were together, and they loved each other, and they were meant for eachother, and-

But then the phone started to ring. Taehyung groaned, due to the loss of the never-ending sweet moment between Jungkook and him. Taehyung hesitantly got up from the couch to the kitchen where they attempted to make cake, but failed. Now there was cake everywhere, but neither of them intended to clean it up anytime soon. They left their phones on the counter where the cake hadn't reached. Taehyung was barefoot, and he had to stable himself while walking to the counter. He had stayed on the couch with Jungkook in the same position a bit too long.

Once he got there he sighed in annoyance as he picked up, not looking at the caller I.D.

"Hello?" He hissed. The snappy tone was heard on the end of the line immediately. "Oh, so that's the tone you're going to greet me in?" Taehyung froze and shook his head, "No sir."

Jin sighed on the line. "Jimin's in the hospital. I just talked to that brat Yoongi and I swear to god I'm-" Namjoon could be heard talking to Jin in the background, obviously telling him to stop. "Hmph, well, he's in the hospital. Go, now please." Then, Jin hung up. Taehyung almost slipped getting his socks and shoes on.

"J-wahhh! Jungkook we need to go now!" Taehyung regained his balance, hopping on one foot, trying to find his other shoe. "What? Why?" Jungkook was concerned, and you could hear it in his voice. The confusion Jungkook was feeling right now was probably not good for him. Taehyung decided to help the younger out. "Jimin's in the hospital! Go! Go! Go!" (A/N: I have to stop myself from making a joke because it is obviously not the time π.π) Taehyung was already opening up the door, when Jungkook rushed out, not even putting shoes on, but carrying them. Taehyung sighed in defeat and just ran with his shoes in his hands.

"Jungkook! I didn't tell you to go that fast!!" Taehyung gasped as he tried to catch up to the maknae. Jungkook slowed down, and eventually Taehyung was by his side, both looking like maniacs. When they got in the car, both men were out of breath, but Taehyung would keep going. The whole way to the hospital, Taehyung was going as fast as he could, not caring about the risk of getting pulled over. Jungkook didn't seem to care either, as he asked Taehyung questions. "What happened? Who told you? Why is Jimin in the hospital? Who did it to him? What was done to him? Is he okay?"

Taehyung got annoyed, and eventually he snapped at Jungkook. "I don't know! He's in the hospital, stop asking me questions!" Hurt was evident in Jungkook's eyes, but he stopped questioning the older and looked out the window. Taehyung sighed. "Look, I didn't mean that, but I'm worried. I don't know what happened, but we're going to find out once we get there." Jungkook nodded, and grabbed Taehyung's hand. It was obvious Taehyung was freaking out. Taehyung was Jimin's best friend, and if Jimin even got so little as a papercut Taehyung would freak out.

Taehyung was in for a lot of freaking out.


When the two stepped inside, Taehyung was immediately on the nurse. He was out of breath, and he walked up and demanded Park Jimin. The nurse, who had already dealt with most of Jimin's very interestingly picked out friends, frowned and told him where to go. Taehyung didn't even bother saying thank you, instead rushing to get to Jimin's room. Jungkook, bowed at the nurse muttering a thank you and ran off toward his boyfriend.

Once Taehyung got inside, he immediately found Jimin, who was laying on a bed, and Hoseok and Yoongi right by his side. Taehyung saw the state Jimin was in and had to hold back a sob.

Then he remembered Jin's call. He looked toward Yoongi, who Jin seemed to be mad at in the call. Taehyung went right up and woke him up. With a groan, Yoongi looked up and was face to face to a heartbroken and angry Taehyung. "What did you do?!" Taehyung tried to whisper, but it was beyond his control now. He was a ball of rage.

"Hey, calm down-" Taehyung grabbed Yoongi's shirt. "How do you expect me to calm down? I just got a call from Jin saying my best friend was in the hospital. He was mad at you. Why would he be mad at you? What the hell did you do to him?!" Taehyung screamed at Yoongi. Yoongi was frustrated, but understood why he was so mad. Sill though, Yoongi yelled back. "Yah! You are aware I'm older than you?! Put me down!" Taehyung only gripped harder. Eventually, Jungkook had found the room and pulled Taehyung off Yoongi. Jungkook knew how Taehyung got about Jimin, and when he was mad he wasn't afraid to throw all manners aside. Jungkook calmed Taehyung down, silently telling him it was okay, but Taehyung only shouted back. Eventually, Jimin woke up. He looked around and found almost all his friends in the same room. Taehyung was screaming and sobbing with all his heart, and Yoongi tried to explain to Taehyung what happened. Hoseok apparently woke up beside Jimin and stayed there with him. Jimin looked at Hoseok, who'd finally realized that Jimin woke up, and used all his might to tell Hoseok to tell the others to stop. Hoseok only grabbed Jimin's hand and nodded. Then, Hoseok screamed at the others to 'Shut the hell up'. They all looked over at Jimin who was just staring at them. Taehyung broke down even further, running over to Jimin and hugging him. Yoongi tried to stop Taehyung but it was no use, because Taehyung was already smothering Jimin by the time he understood what was happening.

Jimin yelled, and tried to push Taehyung off. Taehyung willingly climbed off and stared at Jimin.

"Jimin, what happened?"

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