Chapter 40.

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Hoseok thought of when Jackson got his coffee.
So far, he's realized that maybe Jackson really doesn't get any sleep. He's looked in the gift shop everyday, at everytime. And he'd see Jackson, just sitting there working what Hoseok would always hope to be his last shift for the day.
Hoseok was getting worried.
Jackson never left. He'd be there all the time. Hoseok started wondering if he was actually alive or not.
Still, every day, he'd try to get the coffee to Jackson. His coffee.
He still was failing. He ended up getting his actual butt kicked for setting the alarm for two in the morning.
Yoongi decided to run.
Yeah, Hoseok had a near death experience. It was scary.
Hoseok still was willing to get his butt kicked, though, and woke up earlier and earlier,
He got to 12 in the morning.
Still failed.
Eventually, he walked straight into the gift shop and looked at Jackson in bewilderment. "What the hell are you? A ghost or something?" Jackson laughed. "What are you talking about?"
Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, still trying to figure it all out. "Why the hell do you never leave? I've checked, and you never go anywhere. How is it that I never see you faint out of exhaustion?"
Jackson froze. "Uhm, I keep a portable bed behind the counter."
Hoseok scoffed. "There is no way you expect me to believe that." Hoseok crossed his arms. He was actually getting mad. What the hell is wrong with Jackson?
Why won't Jackson just tell him the truth?
Jackson nodded proudly. "It's the truth!" He tried his cheeky smile, but it faded when he saw Hoseok duck behind the counter, obviously trying to find the bed.
Jackson ran over, panicked. "You're not allowed to be behind there!"
Hoseok laughed bitterly. "And you're not allowed to just lie to me!" Hoseok had found his cheese compartment, but other then that, nothing. Not a single damn thing.
"Tell me, what are you hiding?" Hoseok stood up straight, looking at Jackson. Even though Hoseok was only 1 inch taller than Jackson, he still felt more powerful because of it. Jackson gulped. "I left it at home."
Hoseok shook his head. "I haven't seen you leave recently." Jackson smiled a bit. "Damn, what are you? A stalker?" Hoseok glared at Jackson. "Don't try to change the subject here!"
Jackson bit the bottom of his lip and stared at the floor. He wasn't normally the type to be shy and sad, but he never expected Hoseok to be this way, and being yelled at by Hoseok was probably the worst thing he's felt in his entire life. "I-I can't tell you-"
Hoseok yelled, losing his temper. "Hell you can't tell me! What the fuck do you mean by that?! You can't expect me to just toss this shit away and pretend nothing's wrong here!" Jackson winced at Hoseok's words. He's never heard Hoseok cuss so much. The terrible thing was that it was directed towards him. But he knew Hoseok was right. He couldn't expect Hoseok to just throw this away.
"You know what?! I don't care. Go do whatever the hell you want! I'm leaving." Hoseok gave Jackson one last glare before he left in a rage. Jackson could only just sit there, and hope this was a dream.
This was all just a dream...


Jae Hwa has been trying to find out more.
She needed to get back at Yoongi. What he did was unacceptable. They were just trying to help. He didn't have to be so rude.
After looking more into him, she found out he was pretty famous.
She also found out that he had a hurt friend in the hospital. Or at least that's what he said to his fans.
After looking into things, and sneaking around the hospital, she finally came to two different rooms. She'd been looking all around for the right person, and they were in one of these rooms.
She looked in the first room. There was a girl, laying on the bed, looking up at her. They looked a bit zoned out and confused. Jae walked up towards the bed and spoke. "Do you know Min Yoongi?"
The girl got excited. "Yes! He's my bias! Can I meet him?" Jae sighed and looked away from the girl. "No, sorry. Wrong person."
She could feel the girl's happiness die down.
She walked out the door and into the other room. There was a man with orange hair, laying on the bed. Jae wondered if maybe she got it wrong.
She knew the girl in the other room was not who Yoongi was talking about. She was only a fan. But there's no way that Yoongi would like-
"Hello?" The boy said, interrupting her thoughts. Jae decided to try anyway. "Do you know Min Yoongi?"
The boy nodded. "Yeah, he's my friend. Why?" Jae could feel her blood boil with anger. Yoongi didn't have a crush on her, but he had a crush on a guy? She wanted to kill Yoongi. And so she did it through Jimin.
"What do you think Yoongi did to get all those injuries?" She knew Yoongi probably wouldn't tell his crush that he snuck in a shop and beat people up. "He slipped and fell in the rain." Jimin began to grow worried. Did something else happen?
Jae laughed bitterly. "He lied. He snuck into a music shop. He helped us. And we all broke the instruments. Together. And afterwards, he beat us all up and left."
It wasn't really a lie. He fell into a shelf and broke those instruments. But Jimin didn't have to know that.
Jimin felt heartbroken.
How could Yoongi do this? Didn't he love music? And why did he beat everybody else up?
Yoongi lied to him.
Before Jimin could ask any other questions, Jae left.
She left him alone to only try to imagine what happened.
And what he imagined was far from the truth.

(A/N: eBIMJBmIBxP Who else feels bad for Jackson? *RAISES HAND*)

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