Chapter 38.

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"Hey, could you come to the hospital?"
After that, he quickly realized he'd made a mistake.


Jae Hwa came to the hospital. Yoongi wasn't expecting many things.
First: She was wearing pretty inappropriate clothing for a hospital.
Second: She was with other people.
Third: These other people were not wearing very appropriate clothing.
Fourth: They all arrived surprisingly fast.

The people were the first thing that Yoongi took interest in.
There was a guy who had very striking blond hair. He seemed to walk as if he owned the world. Yoongi rolled his eyes at the massively ripped pants.
Seriously, the guy would've been fine with no pants at all.
There was another guy, who had black hair. He looked like a celebrity, and Yoongi had to admit that he was very attractive.
Jimin was better.
The black haired guy walked up, and looked Yoongi up and down.
He nodded.
Yoongi backed up. Did he just approve of him or something?
Suddenly the guy wasn't as attractive.
There were also two girls who looked insanely similar. They must be sisters.
They both had brown hair, and they looked very interested in what they were talking about.
Yoongi listened closer, and he unfortunately found out that they were talking about somebody's butt.
Jae just walked towards Yoongi, only the tiniest bit of concern crossing her features.
Yoongi could only scoff when she asked what happened.
"My friend is having surgery. Didn't I ask you? Why are other people here?"
Jae laughed.
"What? Did you want to be alone with me?" She winked.
Yoongi looked at her with genuine disgust. "No. My crush is in there, and I wanted support. I shouldn't have contacted you."
Jae's face scrunched up. "Your crush? Who?"
Yoongi snorted. "I'm not answering that. I'm not stupid." Jae laughed. "Fine. But I'll make sure that I become your crush."
Yoongi looked at her with such offense at that point.
How could someone be so full of themselves?
But he dealt with it.
He needed someone right now. He needed to be assured. Jimin would be okay.
He wouldn't get assured just sitting here.
So he left and went with the group, scoffing at the guys who gave Yoongi a glare.
Most likely for acting that way towards Jae. He would apologize, but he didn't care enough to.
He followed behind, just waiting for them to stop somewhere.

Little did he know that where they were going somewhere to do something he'd rather not be a part of.


They arrived at a music store.
Yoongi was thrilled, and he immediately went over to the piano. He put the tips of his fingers on it and traced the keys. The mahogany laminate was smooth, and the white and black keys were as vivid as ever.
He smiled slightly as he sat down on the stool and pressed a key. The noise came out beautifully; and he felt compelled to play. He could only stare as his fingers moved from key to key, playing.
He smiled. The sound was enchanting, and he closed his eyes. He felt content. Reassured.
Until he heard a loud bang.
They had snuck in. Which Yoongi had no problem with, because he used to sneak into places himself when he was younger.
But that meant that no one was there to stop them from doing something.
He stopped playing abruptly, and snapped his head towards the sound.
They were breaking the instruments.
Yoongi stared in shock as The black haired guy threw a guitar to the ground.
He only reacted when they neared another piano, that looked pretty similar to the one Yoongi was using.
He grabbed the guys arm, pulled him back, and punched him as hard as he could. Who would do this to instruments? They make such beautiful music, and they honestly set Yoongi free with their sound.
However, The sound of them being thrown to the floor was one he did not want to hear.
He screamed. "What do you think you're doing?!"
Everybody in the music shop stopped and stared at him in shock. Jae laughed, tilting her head to the side.
Yoongi despised that.
"Well, we came here to do this. Break stuff! Breaking things helps you let out frustration. We thought this would be good for you." She laughed sweetly, fakeness filling ever nook and cranny of her voice. She pulled a forced smile, and looked at him with every ounce of energy she had in her.
Yoongi stared at her. He couldn't believe this. "Get out." He pointed towards the door.
Jae looked shocked. She crossed her arms and gave him a expectant stare. "And why the hell would I do that?" She hissed, setting her feet on the floor proudly, as if they were glued there."Because I'm not ashamed to hit anybody who does this. This is wrong. Why would you do this to objects that make such beautiful sound? You're a disgrace."
The fire in his eyes multiplied, and he could tell she was deciding whether or not to actually leave.
"Why, you bastard!" The blond guy he'd noticed at the hospital lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. He felt his shoulder collide with a shelf, hold recorders. It was small, so after he hit it, it fell down, him along with it.
He grabbed his shoulder in pain. His head hit the shelf as well, and he could feel it banging.
The guy came on top of him and started punching Yoongi as hard as he could. He felt fist after fist come in contact with his face, and in some effort, he weakly put his hand up to protect his face. They still came, ramming into him, and eventually, he timed them, and hit the guy when his fist was away, pulling back for another hit.
The guy, surprised, fell back and grabbed his face.
It was a hard hit.
Yoongi could tell he was bleeding; he could taste the blood in his mouth. He didn't want to deal with them anymore. He wanted them to leave. He wanted to protect the instruments. The guy staggered up, heading back over to Yoongi already to try again at beating the shit out of him.
It didn't work. Yoongi sidestepped and tripped the guy, coming over him as he did to Yoongi and punching him repeatedly. Nobody seemed to be moving, and Yoongi could feel his knuckles hit the guys face over and over again.
It was sort of relieving.
When he was sure that the guy wouldn't try him again, yoongi stood up, and looked over at the other girls. The twins were staring at him, shock and fear covering their features. He took a step towards them and they ran out. He looked towards Jae, and she covered her mouth, scared. She stared at the guys bodies on the ground. Yoongi hadn't killed them or anything, although to her it seemed like it. She ran over to the guy with black hair, and proceeded to help him get up.
They also both ran over to the blond haired guy Yoongi had given a beating to and left the store.
Yoongi watched them disappear, the group running away.
He sighed, happy he was able to protect the instruments that hadn't been already broken.
He looked at the instruments that were broken on the floor and felt his heart break with them. He slowly piled them up and threw them in the trash, and before leaving, looked at the piano he'd been playing. He walked over and touched the keys again.
It all looked so delicate. And with that, he walked to his house, the fight not only fresh in his mind, but as well as his face.


It was when Yoongi got home that he finally realized how bad he looked. His face was all beaten up, blood coming from his mouth and forehead, a bruise could already be seen on his eye, and when he looked at him shoulder, he could see that it had a bruise and was scratched pretty bad.
No way he'll be able to hide this.
He cleaned himself up and thought about how he would tell Jimin. Surely Jimin would ask questions, and he had to make sure that Jimin didn't worry about him.
Hopefully Jimin doesn't get mad either.
But then again, he did sneak into a store. He would basically be asking for it.
He just didn't think.
Yoongi took a long shower, and now he was laying on his bead, rehearsing lines. What would he tell Jimin?
The truth? Or a lie?

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