34. What Jace Saw

Start from the beginning

Jace slowly felt all the eyes in the room turn to him and pierce his flesh like daggers.

"That's true, James," said Sara, smirking. "Jace Fran, you haven't done it in a while...it looks like you're up."

Please, no. The glares and approving nods from everyone else crushed him. He turned around like a man condemned to death and began to walk to another room that was much more whole than the others. Oh, God... He pressed his knuckles to the partially shattered, wooden door and composed himself, ready to knock. Suddenly, the door swung open, causing Jace to step back, trip and fall onto the ground in fear.

Sir Alen crouched down and gave Jace a strange look. "Fran, why are you on the floor?"

"I came to wake you, you opened the door, I started, fell back -" began Jace, getting back to his feet.

Sir Alen made a series of noises and facial expressions signalling Jace to stop. "You've become a lot more talkative since we arrived here and I'm not sure if I like it yet. You're essentially the same but extrassentially different."

Jace was confused. Extrassentially? That's not a word.

"Don't pull that face, Jace Fran, you heard what I said," commented Sir Alen. "I'm not going crazy, my mind is still intact."

"Of course, Sir," replied Jace, cheerily whilst staring at the others laughing at him. That wasn't funny.

Sir Alen returned to the room to get the Commander. At least I don't have to wake him. 

"You're very lucky, Jace," said Nash. "Your luck will run out one day."

"I hope not," replied Jace, celebrating his victory.

The Commander cleared his throat as he emerged from his room. "Good morning, everyone."

The group formed a clean line in front of him and Sir Alen. "Good morning, Sir!" they said in unison.

The nod from the commander told them that they could be at ease. "Today is a special day! A special one indeed. Our deep scouts are returning and very soon."

Excitement coursed through Jace's body. Any news was welcome news to him. The day he had arrived was the day the scouts had left. Zachary had told him that five of them had left. One had gone north, two east and two south. However, two of them had come back weeks ago with horrible injuries and were sent back to God's Heart and then presumably back home. Jace envied the scouts being able to leave but wasn't ready to risk his life for something that he's never seen or been to. He didn't even know if there was anything out there - everything was a mystery and not one he was too interested in solving. Now we'll know whether there's even anything here.

"Very, very soon more like," added Sir Alen, stretching. "If that is them."

The sound of hooves started as a gentle whisper and quickly became a shout. Jace knew what to do whenever something was approaching and so he grabbed his bow and quickly ascended the creaky staircase to the hallway. Pulling back part of the rags that made up the wall, he peered out. For the most part, it was barren ground with a few straggling trees dotted around and a mountain that stood very far off into the distance but then he noticed a small dust cloud making its way toward them. "Single!"

"Single!" repeated Abigail to James, who was darting around organising things in case the being speeding toward them was hostile.

Jace waited patiently before making his next move, always keeping his eyes fixated on the target. Soon, he saw that it was a man on a horse holding a red banner. "It's the scout! It's the scout!" Jace chuckled hearing James' sigh of relief as for the past few days they had had many unwanted visits from animals, most of which frightened James. 

The Commander ordered everyone back to the entrance hall. The sound of the hooves circled the base and stopped abruptly outside of the door. Sara rushed to open it and a young, bearded man with black hair stumbled through, clutching a leather satchel. She and Nash helped him to a chair whilst Abigail fetched water, Zachary tended to the horse and Jace stood in awe. What a brave man...

"I'm fine, I'm fine," insisted the scout, gulping down the water like an exhausted dog. "Just... tired is all."

The Commander gave the man a few moments to rest before approaching. "Congratulations, you have returned a true hero. Well done!" he said, clapping and encouraging everyone else to join in.

As they clapped, Jace noted the scout's forced and artificial smile. Why isn't he happy?

"We'll have an in-depth conversation privately later but tell us, what did you see?" asked Sir Alen, glaring at the satchel that the man was holding tightly.

The scout looked horrified and opened up the satchel. A foul smell entered the room, tainting everything it was near to. 

What...is that?

A human-like head was brought out from it. It had green shrivelled skin, purple eyes and was hairless. Jace hastily looked down at the ground, eager to not to see anymore. He could hear that everyone else was revolted by the horrid sight save for the Commander who stepped forward to further inspect it.

"This is all I saw!" exclaimed the man, appalled. "There is nothing out there but monsters, strange things and the dark gods they worship! This place is evil! What are we looking to find here? I don't understand it!"


"There is nothing here for us! Sir..." yelled the man, his voice trailing off. "I apologise..."

"It's quite alright," replied Sir Alen, empathetically.

"Really," said the scout, "there is nothing here for any of us... nothing."

So there really is nothing then. So why are we here...fighting for nothing?

CROWNS I: Of Desolate Hope  | ✔Where stories live. Discover now