15. Ash

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Thoughts were racing through my head a mile a minute, and I had to give very serious thought to this. I mean, all of the things he had done... They hurt. I don't want him to think that I find what he did totally okay, but I also don't want this to be the end of our relationship. I know that it's still in the foundations, but to throw away all of the progress we made is stupid and immature of me. I have to move on, this is a second chance at having a fulfilling life that just walked away from me. I should have told him to stop, but I didn't. Why do I have to be dull sometimes?

Wait a minute, if he has my bite mark on his shoulder, that would make him the alpha's son, right? As in, the heir of the Half Moon pack that was supposed to have all of this power? Unless that man had another son; I'll have to go with that. My mate doesn't seem the kind to lead a war against someone else. I think that he would have too much empathy and end up coming to a peace way too soon. Then again, he surprises me more and more every day, so I could stand corrected. Only time will tell.

The bell rang, disturbing my thinking. It's lunch period now, so it should be pretty easy to find him. Then again, the cafeteria is vast, so I could be biting off more than I can chew. It took me five minutes of standing just out of view from the doorway scanning the crowd for him, and I eventually saw him sitting alone next to a window. I could see the remorse written all over his face, and I knew that I had to go wipe the accompanying frown from his lips.

I crossed the floor, and he finally looked up when I was a few feet away. His shoulders were still hunched, but he seemed open to whatever I was about to say. "Alex... I want you to understand that what happened to my family will never be okay with me. However, I also see that it isn't your fault at all since you were still so young. I refuse to throw away our lives just because of it. So, will you please accept my apology for over reacting, and we can build this relationship on trust and honesty?"

"I would like that," he breathed, and I hugged him gently. My body finally relaxed, and his did as well into me. This is good... Very good. I sat with him eating lunch, and I was reminded of just how much personality he has. He can hardly go a minute without cracking a joke, and his silliness could be met by none. By the time the bell rang, I felt much closer to him, and it felt good to have someone I could be myself with. As we walked to fourth block with our hands intertwined, I saw Brad coming from a mile away. This dude doesn't know when to give up, does he.

"Why are you two holding hands?" he shouted in an accusing tone, and I thought back to what Alex said. Does he like me? I'm was going to be honest, and I'm going to be certain to show that I don't think of Brad like that, not now or ever. I will prove to Alex that I love him, and that trying to change that is futile.

"Because I love him a lot."

"But you always told me you were straight!"

"Is it so hard to believe that I was lying to you? I never felt safe when I was around you, no matter how hard I tried to. Confiding in you was like trying to talk to a brick wall and I would never, never share a deep secret."

Just to make certain that my message got across, I turned around and locked my lips with Alex's. He eagerly kissed back as if his life depended on it, his beautiful eyes fluttering closed. Sparks were flying, and it was way too easy for me to forget that Brad was standing right there watching, along with the rest of the student body. Shock was prevalent all over everyone's face, and I knew that I had done well hiding my bisexuality from the rest of the world. However, I'm done hiding now. I don't want Alex to think that I'm afraid of telling the world of our relationship, so I was content to show it boldly, loud and clear.

However, all of that changed when a loud voice bounced around the whole hallway. "Alexander Canfield you get your filthy lips away from that human male or there will be consequences!!"

Alex pulled away from me, and I was able to get a small look at the fear in his eyes before he turned to a man that was the color of a traffic signal. I've seen him before... But I can't think of where. Scratch that, I know exactly where. That must be the scum father. The man grabbed onto his wrist before dragging him away, and I followed. "I cannot believe that you would do this! You're such a whore how dare you ruin all of my reputation on some stupid human male! I will no have this behavior coming from you. If you don't get yourself together, I will."

"Let me go right now! You've made it very clear that I'm not your son, so you don't have the right to treat me like you have all of the control over my life. I don't want to hear that I'm affecting your reputation because no one other than you cares who someone else is in love with. Why are you so troubled that I'm with someone, is your fight or flight tendency kicking in on you? Well you don't have the right to tell me that I'm the one doing something wrong, so get your sorry head out of your ass and deal with the face that I'm not your son anymore. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I am about as far from your son in this moment as anyone else. The only link between us now is DNA, so just leave me alone."

"I will never leave you alone, not now not ever. Now come along," he snarled before dragging Alex into an office away from me and slamming the door shut. He locked it right away, and I was left totally unable to help. I don't know what I would do if he came out of that room harmed, but it would not be pretty... I guess all I have to do is wait. If that man so much as pulls a hair out of his head I won't hesitate to murder him. While Alex isn't responsible for the death of my family is, I rest it 100% on his father. Therefore, I have many reasons to want his head on a platter, and I will do anything to get it.

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