33. Ash

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I awoke the next morning with Alex sleeping my side and having never felt happier in the world. I sat up, unable to go back to sleep, and looked over to see Alex's brother a few yards away still softly snoring. He must have rolled in the middle of the night to give us a bit of peace. I heard a startled sound from Alex and saw him jerk up before calmly walking over to him. The stillness in the atmosphere made me feel very calm, and I crouched down at my soulmate's shoulder. His body relaxed at the sight of me, and I felt joy rushing through my chest.

"S-sorry, I couldn't see you and it made me feel like everything that happened was just a cruel dream," he explained before sitting up and pulling me into a hug. I leaned into him a bit, and he seemed to be joyful about the action. Suddenly, I heard Alex's brother begin to stir. He stepped away from me, smiling, and tended to his brother gently. I felt a bit upset by the attention divide, but I knew that I had to let him have a bit of his own life. I don't want to be that one guy that's so overly possessive over their significant other that the other person can't even have friends. It hurts me how much he cares, but that's just his nature. I can't stop it, so I'll nurture it because he is the only thing I care about.

"What do we do now?" he asked once Allystar was settled.

"As I stated before we were rudely interrupted my you being kidnapped, I think we should test out our powers."

"You two have powers?" Ally interrupted randomly, and I nodded.

"Yeah, something about a prophecy," Alex responded boredly. "Anyways, I think that's a good idea."

All three of us found a clearing, and since we already knew what Alex's powers were we began to text the limitations of mine.

"I only have one lead on what might trigger them, but it might require going into a nearby town."

"Let's go then," I replied, definitely ready for answers.


We entered the unfamiliar city and delved deeper into it. We were in the middle of shopping for something when a man walked up behind Alex and grabbed him, forcing my soulmate into the brick wall.

"Give me your money, boy," he snarled.

Alex's facial expression held pure fear before he frantically whispered, "I don't have any money, sir."

"Oh come on, two fine teenagers like yourselves, you must have some money to lend a poor man," he continued to persuade.

"I really don't!" Alex cried out loudly.

Then, the man leant in and said something that I would never forget. "You could always pay up with your sweet little body."

Before anyone could blink I had already jumped on him. Alex just stood in total shock next to the wall. The older man suddenly had me pinned on the ground with no access to my arms or legs. "Feisty one we have here. Too bad you won't be able to save your little friend."

The anger I had overcame every other emotion as he spoke, and I used foreign strength to accelerate myself upwards from his grip. I grabbed him and dragged his kicking and screaming form out of the door and into a back alleyway. Alex had walked after me to make sure that I didn't do anything too rash, but I was hardly in control of my own actions anymore.

I threw him into a dumpster for the added effect before approaching him with the remaining restraint I had...

When I came back to the present, I was standing with blood coating my hands. Alex was explaining to me what I had done, and I was slightly disgusted by my own actions. Sure I was a but freaked out that I killed someone and didn't remember a thing, but it felt good to protect Alex. Then Allystar walked around the building and gaped at the scene that was in front of him. "Was not expecting this, but okay."

I laughed at his statement before Alex looked up. We walked calmly back to the forest, and as soon as we arrived Alex pulled me aside. "I know what your ability is," he murmured while his emerald green eyes watched his brother's progress around the clearing.

"Oh? What is it then?"

"It's your job to protect me, and my job to take them down with storms I guess. I am slightly curious if Ally also has something that could be helpful since we are related, but he's still enjoying his freedom. I don't want things to explode simply because I'm curious."

"I guess we'll find out in time."

Over the next few days we mastered our abilities. It was peaceful in this forest, and the atmosphere was calming me down very well. Suddenly a nearly silent rustle began in the bushes off to the left. We stopped everything, even breathing. I slowly walked towards it as the sound continued, fully ready to fend for my life. Alex maneuvered at my side, his eyes clouded with adrenaline and his slow, deep breath was silent over the wind in the forest. Once we were upon it, we locked eyes, nodded heads, and leapt into the bush at the same time. A tiny little black kitten was there, and it began to walk away.

Alex muttered something along the lines of, "Black cats send signs." before setting off after it. I swiftly grabbed Ally and we followed his scent trail to eventually find him still following this random cat. "Uh, why are we following a cat again?" I asked dumbly.

"It has something to show us," he whispered in a voice that sounded hypnotized. I saw the state line for Georgia and thought, Oh, here we go again. I knew that this cat was trouble. Allystar shivered in his shoes at the state line, and I pulled him closer to protect him. We went a few more miles before the cat stopped, and I could smell the tension in the air. Alex patted the cat's head, then turned back to look at me. I got the shock of my life to find that his eyes were solidly blue, and I immediately felt the spark of danger also flying through the air. Something was happening, and I don't think it will be very good for anyone involved. He stalked a few more paces forward, and I followed. The soft sound of voices could be heard through the nighttime air. The first voice, a feminine one that I recognized from somewhere, murmured quietly, "We are facing extreme tension from the wolfmen, I think we need to suit up for battle before it is too late."

The entire crowd around her erupted into chaos before their leader mentioned, "I will allow anyone over the age of twelve who wishes to fight alongside the coven take part in this battle. I don't know what the half moon pack is planning, but there's been an influx of wolves entering their territory that leads we to believe that they will attack. I wish we still had out advantage here, Jackson, but we will have to make due." I recognized the voice as that of my own mother and smiled bitterly.

A fight, this sounds fun.

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