2. Alex

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I dusted off my hoodie and entered after them, and I immediately felt confused. There were so many kids, and all of them were going in different directions. I moved through the crowds, and eventually I found a room labeled 'Front Office' and entered it.

"How may I help you, Dear?" asked a sweet, older lady from behind the desk. Her curly hair, grayed with age, was tucked gently behind her ear so that it stayed out of her dark brown, wise eyes.

"Um... I'd like to enroll, please ma'am," I responded cheerfully.

"I have no doubt that you're a very kind boy, but that isn't how it works here," the older woman responded.

"Oh... How does it work?"

"Let's start with your name and date of birth."

"Alexander Canfield, September 27, 2001."

"Okay Alexander. Do you have any identification that can prove you are who you say you are?" This is harder than I thought it would be.

"I have one thing," I murmured before pulling my wallet out of my pocket. I flashed her my beautiful identification– yes, it was my official identification as Alex the Alpha, but I didn't let her see it well enough to realize– and she smiled slightly.

"Now that we have that out of the way, where are your parents? Usually we need them to enroll new students."

"My dad kicked me out, ma'am."

"OH! My apologies! I will put that into your file so that no one asks. What classes were you in at your old school?" Ohhhhh shit! You can't just tell someone that your classes were sparing and vampire extermination... That would sound weird.

"I don't know."

"Well based on your age, I'll just put you into the essential classes for a senior on the general education track for an advanced diploma."

"That sounds good I think." Yeah, I don't know anything of what she said. For all I know she's going to drag me out back and shoot me.

"Alright, last step is to send you into the principal's office while I print you a decent schedule." She turned to the phone and typed in a quick number before smiling at me as the phone rang. "Hello, sir, I am sending back Alexander Canfield to speak with you about admission."

I walked back until I saw the label 'principal' on the wall and knocked hesitantly on the door gently. "Come in," a deep voice acknowledged. I have heard that voice before.

I sighed while pushing open the door, and the man at the desk made my blood run cold. "Father," I snarled. I swear he can teleport! Oh wait, he might have had a car... That would be helpful too.

"Alexander!" he responded like the lady hadn't just said my name over the phone and he was shocked. It didn't take a genius to know that he wasn't surprised, but I just had to keep this in my mind. My dad is the principal. "Welcome to my day job. I assumed I would find you here because you are very predictable. I have half a mind to not let you in."

"You've already ruined my life once; let me have just this."

"Why should I? You're the one that thought liking men was acceptable."

"So I like penis, why is it a big deal?"

"You're supposed to be able to reproduce."

"We all know that male alphas can give birth in that situation."

"Do I care?"

"In that ice cold heart, no."

"I'll let you into this school... But only to see you crash and burn. You're a packless Alpha, I hope you have fun knowing that you have no purpose. Have fun!" His sadistic smile lasted until the phone rang again, and he looked me in the eyes as if tempting me to do something about it.

"Please send Alexander back up front so that he can get a schedule.

I left upset that my father seemed to follow me everywhere, but I desire to just forget about this. I won't let him ruin my restart.

"Here is your schedule, Alex. Have a lovely day!"

I walked down the hall while trying to find class 2a, but I couldn't stop thinking about the boy from this morning. I hated him, but at the same time there's something beautiful about him. "Alex this isn't the time for your weird fantasies. Find someone to show you around!"

I took a brief look around before seeing a petite, loudmouthed girl standing off to the side of the hallway staring into the mixture of teenagers all over the corridor. Her two friends, who were standing right next to her, chattered back just as loudly. Based on their posture and looks they were probably gossiping about the latest scandal.

I walked over to them while putting on my best smile. "Excuse me, but can one of you show me the way to class 2a?"

"I can," the petite girl told me while stumbling over her words slightly. Oh please don't tell me she likes me.

"Follow me." She began to walk away after throwing her blonde hair over her shoulder, so I walked after her. Yeah, she definitely thinks I'm attractive. She arrived outside of the room, and her hazel with slight highlights of blue eyes locked into mine. "Here we are, have a nice day."

"Wait! What's your name?" I asked her.

"I'm Lily," she told me before walking away to go somewhere.

I hesitantly opened the door and stepped in, yet I unintentionally groaned when I saw Ash sitting at a desk next to the back window.

"Hello, are you new here?" a man demanded from the front of the class.

"Oh umm, yes. I'm Alex," I responded.

"Don't care. Go take the only seat available in here. It's right next to Ashton in the back."

I flashed him my famous 'I'm trying to be kind' smile before walking towards my impending doom. I sat down on the chair next to Ashton's, but scooted it to the opposite side of the table. I'm still scared around the dark clothed boy for reasons I'm unable to explain.

Tomorrow is my eighteenth birthday. I wonder if my mate is somewhere around here... I hope desperately that they aren't a human and on top of that a male. I would never make it back into the pack if my dad found out about them.

"Oi, rich trash, are you even listening to me?" Ash whispered sharply which shocked me out of my thoughts.

"Nope," I answered shortly, but immediately wished that I hadn't when I heard an almost silent hiss from him. "Did you just hiss?"

Ash's expression read along the lines of 'Oh shit he heard that?', but he played it off smoothly by saying, "Yeah. I was very frustrated that an airhead like you wasn't even listening to the rules I have set out."

"Why the hell do you have rules!?"

"So that trash like you don't bother me."

"What are your so called rules, jackass?"

"Stay far away from me at all times, and don't talk to me at all."

"So basi-"

"I said no talking to me."

I silently shook my head and just payed attention to class even though I have no clue what was going on. However anything was better than talking to the boy beside me.

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