28. Alex

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He walked away with his mom, leaving me to stand outside stupidly. I crept up to the tent ever so slowly and listened for a second. Everything was muffled, but I heard the word congratulations from someone. It could have been either Ash or his father, don't ask me. I took a moment to envision his warm smile, the exact one I didn't deserve. The way his hair moved on a windy day, almost like it wasn't real. Like we lived in a movie, where they would blow a fan at just the right angle for the actor to look hot. One thing was for sure. While Ash may have been small, he carried himself in a way that would intimidate even the largest bodybuilder. Whenever he would get angry or upset, his eyes would give him away. They gave away all of his emotions, happy and sad. It was like he was trained to keep a stone face, but he wasn't used to holding away all of his emotion completely. It was sad though, the way he still thought he couldn't open up to me. I knew I could trust him, I would tell him anything, so it still hurt me every time he suppressed something from me. It hurt me that he thought I was too fragile to carry some of his weight; killed me, that he wouldn't talk to me about one little issue.

I walked through the woods until I reached a small, bubbling stream. The crystal clear, clean water that ran through it made this area the most beautiful place I had ever seen. The fading trees stood around me, silent as ever, with their leaves shivering in the breeze before falling softly to the ground. Nothing made a sound. Suddenly, I realized my mistake. The birds are never completely silent unless something was hunting them. I know I'm not causing any harm, so what I-

Something hard hit me directly in the skull, and I fell back onto the ground. My body had given up to the point that all I could do was lay there like a limp noodle, and I saw a man appear from the side. He was wearing a black mask to conceal his face from me, and I felt my heart rate rising beyond a normal level. All I could see was his eyes which were cold and dark. He seemed to lack feeling, and I felt like I was going to be ill just looking at it. Then again, the dizziness from the original hit he dealt to my head was nauseating, and my body purged the little food I had eaten in the past twenty-four hours. My muscles and brain were on overdrive, yet I couldn't seem to will my nerves to respond to the panic waves.

The man, thoroughly disgusted from my vomit, lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. All I could do was stare at the dirt passing, and the rhythm of his footsteps jarring me slightly every few steps were enough to drive me into a sleep that could also be linked to the blood trailing down my forehead onto the leaves below. I hope he uses that to find me...

So, as I fell farther and farther away from the real world, I sank into darkness. I'd never felt it before, true darkness. Absence of sound, absence of mind, absence of my wolf. It was like I was floating on a dark cloud, so dark that it completely got rid of every ray of light. It was taking me, trying to steal me away from the real world. I tried to move it, fight to the top to find light, yet it got thicker, heavier; it was like a weighted blanket. Suddenly it felt like the darkness was creeping down my throat, stuffing it with its thickness. Just when I felt I would die, my mind drove me out into the real world. The first thing I saw was an overly bright light hanging directly above the table I was cuffed to that seriously impaired my ability to survey the rest of the room. My fingertips brushed the table below me. Metal, like an operating table... Where am I?

A person wearing all black suddenly stepped into my field of vision. The only thing I could see was his eyes once more, a dark red... just like a vampire's. They were cold and calculating, almost as if this person was figuring the best way to slaughter me like an innocent lamb.

"I see you've woken up," he murmured leaving me with that unsettling feeling, his deep voice mysterious especially since I couldn't see any of him. "You're probably wondering why you are here."

I tried to speak to answer yes, but it still felt like there was a huge wad of cardboard clamped into my jaw. I simply settled for nodding instead, sensing that it was a bad idea to piss this guy off.

"It's quite simple, actually. I borrowed you from the forest because it's what I was instructed to do by my leader... Mr. Jackson." My eyes widened in shock at the revelation, but I couldn't draw words. "You see, he can see through your dirty tricks. He knows that you want to break his son's heart, so we decided to just kill you, how does that sound?" Ash's father is out to kill me again? I mean, I know he thinks I'm evil, but is it really necessary to murder me from his hatred? "Although I want to kill you right now, I have strict orders from Master Jackson that we are to wait until Ashton finds our little hideaway to kill you. Just to gage his reaction. I guess we'll just have to lock you downstairs until he shows his shining face!"

He sounded happy about it... psychotic bitch. The corners of my eyes stung for only a few seconds before the tears that were brewing spilled in extreme abundance. The man in black lifted my limp body and basically threw me down the stairs into the basement. I felt every stair when it dug deeply into my sensitive skin. My head hit into the cement at the bottom hard enough that I saw stars in my spotty vision, and I felt like I was dying.

When I finally got my bearings, and the upper door was closed, I took in my surroundings. There were two people huddled very close together in the corner. One was a boy, about my age, and a little girl, whose tiny expression held terror. The boy locked eyes with mine, his deep blue ones meeting my emerald green ones. They were weary, untrusting while they scanned my battered form. His mud brown hair fell over his forehead in a limp way, just like a mop. Even though he looked like the exact opposite, his facial features reflected mine. He looked like we could have come from the same parents, but he just got all of the opposite features that I did from each parent. Scratches lined his face up, and there was blood caked into his hair. When the upper door was closed, only one source of light in the room existed, a small window on the wall which hit his eyes at just the right angle to cause them to glow. He sat just below it in the darkness, still observing me as intently as I was him.

His shirt, which obviously used to be light blue, had blood stains that had been attempted to wash out many times. He wore high, long socks that started at a dark blue, similar to his eyes, and migrated to a darker teal. He looks rough, but familiar... I just hope he isn't the enemy as well or this basement will truly be my prison. Ash, please come soon.

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