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" t-thank you... "

at this moment in time, thomas knew he wanted you, and he wanted you bad. he wanted to keep you only for himself, this feeling of want was taking over.

he wanted to see you beg, and cling to him, he wanted to see you moan, he wanted to see you under him, moaning and squirming with pleasure. he wanted everything to do with you, he wanted you.

You set something off in him, he didn't know what, but he liked it. You gave him this extreme feeling of dominance, more than he usually felt around others, and he liked that, he loved these feelings you were causing him to have.

" it's no problem, sweetness " he stared down at you as if you were the most fine, and delicate piece of jewelry, he couldn't keep his eyes off of you.

" my name is thomas, thomas jefferson, tho im sure you already know that.. " the small comment caused you to giggle a bit, and right then and there he had the the extreme urge to quite literally smother you in his love, the small giggle caused him to smile before he removed his hand from your cheek, as much as he didn't want to...he had to bend over for him to reach you since you were quite short, and keeping that position wasn't going to help his back in any way.

" where are you from? " he countered, continuing the conversation, he wanted it to last forever.

" m-me? u-uh oh- well i'm from n-new york! " you stated, looking up at the taller man with a shy smile, you placed your hands behind your back, attempting to look more feminine and dainty.

" new york? usually the people from there are grouchy, and unwelcoming, it's nice to see something good came from that retched place " he brought his hand up brush your cheek, you looked up at him with a blush, tho this time you grabbed his hand, holding it in place. this was something new, usually no one would display public affection unless they were married, especially at a ball, but it seemed you two couldn't keep your hands off of each other.

" w-well not always- new york has some n-nice people, and it's very l-lively! it really brings my s-spirits up when im t-there.. " you countered bringing his hand down to your lips, you kissed the back of it while looking up at him.

" i'm sure it is... " he mumbled just loud enough for you to here, his eyes were fixated on you, and only you. you stared right back at him, you felt as if the room were getting hotter.

" are you courting anyone? "

" n-no... "

" you wouldn't mind if- "

" y/n! " you jumped slightly at the new voice that seemed to be coming from your left, as if on queue, angelica had showed up, sadly interrupting your little moment with the politician. you looked at her, letting go of thomas' hand. you could see her staring at thomas, and as much as you didn't want to admit it, you were getting jealous, not just because she was staring, but because....he was staring back with the same type of infatuation.

your eyes flickered to thomas, then to angelica, you repeated the motion a few times, getting more and more confused by the second.

" angelica.. " thomas stated lowly, his eyes refused to look somewhere else.

" thomas " angelica returned the tone, her eyes only doing the same as his.

" um?... " you were confused to the max, what was going on between the two?

angelica quickly snapped out of whatever daze she was in, and returned her eyes to you, she gave you an a apologetic smile before proceeding to talk.

" sorry to interrupt....you two- " she paused, gazing at thomas before looking back at you, she continued " i just wanted to check on you, since i haven't seen you since you came in! tho i see you have been busying yourself with...mr.jefferson here " she put her hands behind her back, tilting her head slightly at the two of you.

you let out a nervous laugh before nodding shyly, thomas only staring at her with a different look.


you see, if it wasn't obvious enough, angelica and thomas have had some sort of...relationship before. The two only lasted a summer, it was barely a relationship if you could even call it that, it was more like...they returned sexual favours? angelica wanted to take things further, but thomas wasn't too keen on the idea, and had ended things right then and there, tho it seemed angelica was still pining after the man even if he despised her.

Tho of course, this information never made it to the public, it would've ruined both of their careers in seconds.

" is that all you need, ms.schuyler " her name slid like venom off his tongue, he tried to seem as polite as he could at the moment, but that didn't seem to work as much as he wanted it to.

" well....no, mr.jefferson , i wanted to actually talk to miss y/n l/n here..and maybe have a chat with you. "

he only rolled his eyes and scoffed at her, you looked at him confused before looking back at angelica.

" y/n! my- i forgot to ask how you've been when I greeted you- speaking of which, how have you been? how Is your family?.....have you found a courter recently? " angelica practically shot out questions at you, your eyes widened slightly at how many she asked, why was she so curious all of a sudden?

" well, i'm doing fine! my family has been doing quite well in pennsylvania...n' i haven't been courting anyone! I dont really got out often- " you laughed nervously before looking back at angelica.

" oh thats good! you know there's a man- hercules mulligan! he doesn't have a courter, and I think you would like him a lot, he's very polite and charismatic! " angelica suggested, giving you a polite smile, you look down nervously before looking back up once again, you nodded hesitantly, and with that she practically dragged you over to a man wearing blue, you could feel thomas' glare on the both of you, you couldn't blame him tho..he did just get his lady taken away from him..

" mulligan, this is l/n, y/n, this is hercules! you two have fun- " and with that, she left you two alone, together..

where was she off to so quickly exactly? back to thomas, after all she did say she wanted to 'chat' with him, and she was going to do just that.

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