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You were never one to be in the spotless, in fact you'd rather stay by the sidelines while someone else took everyone's attention. You weren't an ugly girl, but you also weren't an extremely pretty one. You caught the eye of some men here and there, but none of them would crowd around you like you're the world's finest jewel.

It was 1790, You were surrounded by plenty of men and women looking for a partner. The Schuyler Sisters were holding a ball, and they invited you, you were close friends, so of course they would. You glanced around at the people around you, having to look up most of the time. You were 4'11, not that big for an adult woman. In fact most people would mistaken you for a teenage girl, you were that small.

Not only that, but you we're a timid woman, adding on to the fact that you were short, and tiny, you were basically invisible in this ballroom. You didn't mind tho, it's not like you would want everyone's attention anyway, but it would be nice not to get bumped into every few seconds, that was a bit of a stretch, but that's what it felt like to you.

Thomas Jefferson, a powerful man, center of attention, his presence was always known, where ever he went, he was noticed almost immediately, his social status, bold personality, and unusual sense of style made him stand out from the rest. He was someone who'd always have crowds of people around him, all trying to get his attention at once, one could say that was the dream life.

Others would say it was a terrible lifestyle.

He was attending the same ball you were, the same ball The Schuyler Sisters were hosting. Of course, there was a crowd around him, all trying to capture his attention at once, whether it be for political matters, courting matters, or just to have a simple conversation with one of the most powerful men in america. His face held a rather un-amused, bored expression, he wasn't exactly pleased with all the attention.

In fact he disliked it, he felt as if he couldn't move, or do anything without someone saying something.

He tolerated it with the best of his ability, tho it wasn't like he had a choice, he had a public image to withhold, and it was either tolerate it or completely ruin your image. He often found himself leaning more towards the latter, but he always managed to keep in whatever negative emotions were trying to burst out.

Thomas answered blindly to the people who were following him as he walked around, almost as if generating an answer by default, at least thats what it seemed like. When you're a well known politician it seems like that was something you'd have to get accustomed to. He abruptly stopped walking, turning around to face the people who were currently trailing behind him, chatting about un-important topics and ideas. He gave the most polite smile he could in his annoyed state, although it looked more tight and forced.

" would you all be as so kind as to leave me be for just a moment? i would like to spend some time alone.. " he stated almost threateningly " please. " he added to sound a bit more polite, the crowd of people whispered and looked at each other before they started to separate few by few, and eventually, there were no citizens crowding around him. Thomas let out a sigh of relief before turning back around, and continuing to walk around mindlessly, somewhat hoping to find an actual person to have an actual conversation with.

That seemed a bit far-fetched in his position, but what could you tell him? He simply wanted a normal conversation.

The tall man trailed his eyes along the ball room, searching for someone- anyone-

His eyes landed on you. You were a petite woman, standing somewhat alone around the beverages, you were looking at everyone else in distraught. Something about you drew the politician in, he felt a pang of want once he saw your small frame. He almost immediately made a b-line for you, it was just something about you- something-

that made you so valuable, different from the others.

You let out a sigh of distraught as you crossed your arms against your chest, looking off to the side you felt as if you were about to cry, no one had taken the time to talk to you, and if someone did engage in conversation with you it was on accident from the apologizing because you bumped into them. This was probably one of the worst experiences you've had at a ball, at least, that's what you thought, up until now-

" 'scuse me miss.... " you heard a voice coming from in front of you, your eyes widened and your head quickly turned only to be met with...someone's chest? You looked up slightly confused before your eyes widened. The person- the man- who came to talk to you...was thomas jefferson, one of the most famous politicians in america. you admired his features, you'd never even been this close to the man, only catching glimpses of him around town.

He had fluffy curly dark brown-ish black hair pulled into a low ponytail, much like your friend's, john laurens, but it was a bit lower then that. There was a full neatly trimmed stubble, and he had the prettiest hazel eyes. dark freckles scattered across his face, his lips were full and plump, and his figure was-...it was big.

Tall, and big.

You could tell he was muscular, anyone could. You blinked a few times in disbelief, why did he want to talk to you? Out of all people, there were definitely prettier women, taller, and slimmer women, and not only that there were plenty of charismatic men who would love to engage in conversation with thomas, so why did he want to converse with....you?

" y-yes s-s-sir..? " you practically squeaked, his large build intimidated you to the max, nevertheless you were still excited to be in his presence.

" you look a bit...lonely? could i accompany you on this fine night? " he stated cooly, you blushed at his comment, how embarrassing, he thought you looked lonely..but not only that he wanted to stay with you?

You nodded nervously before giving him a shy smile, which he returned, this practically made your legs feel like jelly, was it possible for anyone to be so fine?

" what's your name sweetness? " he commented using a pet name to reference to you, the action made you quite literally a bright red, you had to recompose yourself before you could actually answer him.

" m-m-my name is y-y/n!! " you exclaimed almost too excitedly, this caused you to look down in embarrassment, you hugged yourself before feeling a hand grab your chin, the hand tilted your head up, your eyes met with the face of none other than thomas jefferson, a kind almost intimidating smile plastered on his face.

" that's a very pretty name.. " he purred in his sultry voice, moving his hand to cup your cheek, you almost immediately melted into his touch, pressing your cheek into his hand a bit more. He rubbed your now light pink cheek with his thumb, causing you to quite literally purr, you looked up at him, batting your eyelashes.

" t-thank you.. "

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