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Today is Monday, and the classes are starting on 8:00 AM. I am getting ready for the day, eating breakfast when someone knocked on the door.

When I opened it, I expected it to be Estes but it isn't. It's... a girl?

"Uhm Hi, sorry to disturb you, but the front desk told me that this is our room." She said sweetly

"You mean we're roommates?" I said

"Yes, well is it okay if I come in? Coz classes starts in like an hour, and I still have to unpack" she said

"Oh right!" I welcomed her to my room... OUR room. She seemed nice. She has Red hair, braided all the way down to her mid-thighs. And I think she's pretty cool. I invited her to eat breakfast with me, and she agreed.
"Well I think this is going well, huh" I said
"What do you mean?" She asked
"I mean, I already have someone to talk to in this Planet" I said while smiling.
"Oh, you're not from this planet?" She said confused
"Oh yeah, I am from the Moon" I said smiling cheekily
"We better get going or we'll be late at the first day, Anyway I'm Miya btw"
"Wow, nice name, I'm Lesley" she said as we shake our hands.

Uhm okay so my parents, sent me to this academy the very last minute, so here I am travelling to the Hidden Leaf. I am currently out of town looking for part-time jobs, I am so focused on that that I forgot that summer break was over. My parents called me and told me they enrolled me at the MLBB ACADEMY in our town. So I can't refuse, I didn't choose in time so 🤷‍♀️

When I arrived I quickly checked in the nearest dorm at the academy.

"Hi so can I please have one room?" I said.
"Yes, but I'm very sorry Madam, this one room has a tenant already but you could be roommates. Is that alright?" She asked
"Oh yeah sure just give me the duplicate key and the room code please? Coz class starts in an hour." I politely said
She quickly handed me the keys and the room code. And I remembered that this academy is having a special event, where in every students get to know their role. And will be trained to enhance and create their own techniques or skills.. well according to my parents.

I reached the room, I was about to open it with my keys, but I thought it would be rude to just bust in, since I have a roommate. And I really hope it's a girl. So I knocked on the door couple of times. And it's opened by a girl.. thank god.

She's very pretty yet a hint of fierce.

"Hi, the front desk told me that we are roommates so can I come in? Coz class starts in an hour and I havent even unpack my things" I said politely

She accepted me and I ate breakfast with her, we exchanged names. So her name is Miya, I think it's a very nice name. And I found out the she is living in the Moon.

So as soon as we finished talking, we walked to school together. Well this is nice, having a friend after all these years.

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