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ughhh... what's that sound?! okay oops sorry my bad it's the "cellphone". Yes the butler told us to have one of these so we can make contact to each other, and it's called a "phone" and I think it's pretty cool.
Estes: Miya?, are you awake, i am going out to see the town, wanna come?
"Oh yeah, sure! Just a minute" I said in response.
I dressed up and got ready for the day, I did my usual routine back at the Moon.
When I got all dressed up, I came outside to see Estes, and we started walking through the streets, and it's pretty crowded, families walking together, vendors selling their goods. Well this place isn't different from the Moon.

After a few hours of walking around, I once again thought of the reason we had to study here, I mean, we also have an academy there at the Moon so wh-

"AHHHH!" I screamed
It interrupted my thoughts and I bumped into something, or rather

"Are you okay? Miss?" He asked
I nodded my head in response
"If that's the case then I have to go" he said while sprinting away.

Who could that be? Well yes if you're wondering Estes and I parted ways once again coz I want some alone time to think about something.

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