Edith Douglas (OC)

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Name:  Edith Douglas

Age: Nineteen years of age

Personality: Brought up in a comfortable living condition, Edith was always taught to appreciate her circumstances at a young age, though over the years she grew to be less content and more disgruntled. She quickly learned of the ill-circumstances of her people confined to a lifetime of slavery and holds a subtle bitterness in her heart because of it. However, Edith transforms her anger into productiveness and fights through the productive use of her prolific writing to end slavery. She is hard headed and stubborn, not easily turned away from her cause once she gets it set in her head. Although not oblivious to the dangers she faces as a black woman touting abolitionist literature, she refuses to heed the warning of her parents. When a cause is worthy enough, she will fight to the end with her given gifts. Her determination is both a blessing and a curse, for at times she lets her heart take over her rational thinking, often making her lose sight of the prime goal. She is both a passionate and articulate person, undeterred by empty threats. That is until the unthinkable happens.

Quick Facts:

Father was born a Virginian slave. Freed in his mid thirties due to the death of his master.Mother was born free. Mother and father taught her how to read and write.Edith spent most of her childhood writing and reading.Family owned abolitionist News Paper: HorizonFamily lived in New York CityAngry anti-abolitionist burned her family's home and building where they publish the Horizon.

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