Louise McCloud

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Name: "Lou" McCloud

Personality: Courageous, Lou will go to ant type of lengths to succeed. Her success hinges on those who she loves, which give her ample reason to fight even harder against the odds. She does not use her femininity as an excuse when it comes to getting the job done. She proves herself to be a rider just as good as the other guys, and for that is able to fool everyone for some time. Her independent mentality is both a blessing and a curse, for sometimes when she needs her group the most, she goes it alone in fear of causing them unnecessary burdens. Lou is selfless, and has made significant sacrifices for the benefit of those she loves, namely her two siblings.

Quick Facts:

Closest to Kid/loves KidMother diedFather is an outlaw and fails to express genuine care or love towards his childrenLou and two siblings resided in an orphanage after mother's deathLeft Siblings in order to find adequate workPoses as a male so she can continue to be a rider for Pony Express

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