“Wow Cammie! You must be happy to see me!” Liam chucked while Ashley was still hugging him.

“Uhh Liam I am over here.” I said waving at him he released Ashley. “That is my sister Ashley.” Liam looked at us back and forth.

“We are twins!” Ashley said jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes.

“Well I guess that explains things. Well hello love!” Liam said to Ashley. She was speechless for once.

“This is my friend Tyler. Tyler this is Liam.” I introduced

“G’day mate.” Tyler said shaking his hand.

“Hello!” Liam said. Danielle came behind him.

“Hi Cammie are these your friends?” Danielle said looking at Ashley thinking it was me.

“Yes they are.” I answered and she looked over at me then back at Ashley then at me confused.

“This is Ashley. My twin sister.” I explained.

“Did you tell anyone you had a twin?” Ashley whispered

“No I didn’t think it was important information.” I whispered back but I think Liam heard me.

“Just like you left out that you are allergic to nuts?” Liam said raising his eyebrow at me.

“You forgot to tell them you are allergic to nuts!?” Ashley said with a concern look.

“YES! We found that out the hard way.” Liam said.

“WHAT?! You ate nuts while you were here?!” Tyler said concerned too.

“Guys! It’s okay I am fine now. Anyways Danielle this is my sister Ashley like I said before and this is my dance partner Tyler. Guys this is my mentor Danielle.” I explained

“Nice to meet you both!” Danielle said giving them a hug. We headed up to my room and they put their bags down.

“I brought an Air mattress so you and Ashley can sleep on the bed and I will sleep on that.” Tyler said.

“Good thinking Ty!” I said. I helped them unpack.

“Wow this room is amazing!” Ashley said walking around.

“I know!”

There was a knock on the door.

“Come in!” I yelled.

“Hey we are going over to Harry and Louis’. Do you guys want to come?” Danielle asked looking at Tyler unpack then back at me. Who wouldn’t look at Tyler he is gorgeous.

“We would love too!” Ashley said.

“We will be right down” I informed. She closed the door. I finished helping them unpack and then we walked downstairs. Danielle pulled me aside.

“Oh My God! You didn’t tell me he was this hot!” she said.

“I know! He is something but you have a boyfriend missy! And he has a girlfriend.” I explained.

“I know! I love my Liam.” She said walking over to him and kissing him. We all climbed in the limo.

“Wow! Do you guys ride in this everywhere?” Tyler asked.

“Not really. We have our own cars but when we have a lot of people we just take the limo.” Liam explained.  We arrived at Louis’ and Harry’s apartment. We climbed out of the limo and Louis opened the door like usual.

“Hello everyone!” Louis said not realizing I brought Ashley and Tyler. We all walked inside.

“Louis this is my dance partner Tyler. Tyler this is Louis.” I introduced.

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