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And just like that,
It's over.

It's only been 4 days,
But, wow,
It feels like so much longer.

It's not like
I'll never see them again.
But two months
Go by slower
Than you think.

And I feel like
I have friends all over the globe now.
Who knows?
Maybe I'll bump in to someone.

Some people would be fun to bump in to,
Like; "lel we know each other high five."
Some people I'd just ignore
If I saw them in public,
Hoping they wouldn't see me.

But then there's those
In betweens.

Should I wave?
Or maybe just smile?
Or pretend like I don't see them?
Do I walk over there and start to talk to them?
what if they walk over and start to talk to me?

"Hey Kelli how's your summer?"
"Extremely long. "
"Oh that's nice have you won any kahoots lately?"
"... It's summer..?"


I have absolutely no idea what this poem is...
It started off kinda bittersweet but then was like "lEl kahoot."
Tbh tho a majority of my classmates would probably try to start a conversation like that if they saw me in public-

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