Harry walked back in wearing loose sweats. "I f-forgot m-my shirt."

I wondered why he didn't play sports, he certainly had the body to. His arms were bigger than they appeared under all the loose shirts he wore. They were muscular and nice looking. His stomach was toned and a little v led down into his pants. He wore a small cross necklace as well, which he kept inside his shirts I guess. His back muscles flexed nicely as he grabbed a neatly folded shirts from his dresser and put it on.

"L-lena!" He called.

"Hm?" I looked up, meeting his eyes.

"I-I said I started o-on the s-s-slides."

"Oh! Uh sorry I wasn't paying attention, um, uh yeah no that's—that's good." My words were fumbling all over the place and I didn't know why.

Harry looked at me with curiosity for a split second before brushing it off and taking a seat on his bed. He looked up at me.

"Y-you c-can sit h-h-here t-too. O-o-only if you w-want."

"On your bed? Isn't it like, forbidden for me to even be in your room?"

"W-w-well I m-m-mean m-my p-p-parents a-aren't h-here, a-a-and i-i-n a-all honest-ty," he paused, taking a deep breath, "e-everyone sins sometimes."

I was taken aback by his words a little and I'm sure my face showed it. Not only was Harry talking to me normally, he just made a little joke. Or at least I think it was. Whatever it was it was improvement between us.

Harry chewed on his lip a little, and I swear for a split second I saw his eyes trail my body.

"So uh, what were you saying about the slides? You started on them?" I broke the silence.

"Mhm." He hummed, signing into his laptop and showing me.

I watched, and nodded in approval. Our project was almost done. There really wasn't much else do to but finish the slides.

"What do you do for fun Harry?" I wondered.

He shrugged. "S-study. O-o-or p-play v-video g-g-games."

"Hm. Well I'm bored, and I already know you have nothing else to do today sooooo. Why don't we do something?"

He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Movie?" I suggested.

"I-I g-guess" he complied.

Hopping off the bed, I walked into the den and laid down on the couch. The remote sat where I laid, and I grabbed it to look through Netflix. Settling on The Grinch, I set the remote down.

"You know, I just realized you cursed earlier. I think that's the first time I've ever heard you do that." I laughed a little.

"N-no I d-d-didn't." He lied.

"Um, yes you did. When I walked in on your, uh, Harry time." This made me laugh even more, but Harry didn't join in.

"P-p-please d-don't tell m-my p-parents. A-about anyth-thing."

"Now why would I do that? I'm no tattle tale, your secret is safe with me."

He smiled, still standing near the couch.

"Are you gonna sit with me?"

He nodded in response. "I-if that's o-o-okay. I-I can s-sit in the c-c-chair o-or t-the f-floor."

"Don't be dumb." I sat up a little so he could sit down, before laying back down, putting my head in his lap.

Instantly Harry shot up, shaking his head. "D-don't do t-that."

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