~Chapter II. Revenge of the Nephalem

Start from the beginning

"We will find a way," Sam said, but if it was to convince himself or Dean, Nick didn't know. He hasn't been a Nephalem for long, but already humans were starting to confuse him.

Turning around again to face his brother, Dean opened his mouth to say something but then his eyes caught sight of Nick who stood behind Sam. "What the hell?!" Dean yelled, pulling a gun out of his pants and pointing it at Nick. "You were dead!"

"No one stays dead for very long. You should know," Nick casually replied, not bothered by the gun. At his voice, Sam jumped up as well and quickly moved to stand next to his brother.

"Nick?" Sam guessed.

"Bingo!" Nick grinned.

"Okay, you sonuvabitch. How did you crawl your way out of the pit?" Dean hissed at him, his stance and aim unwavering.

"By becoming king," Nick said, pulling away from the wall and spreading his arms wide. He glanced at the gun. "Feel free to shoot. Let's see how much good that will bring you," he dared.

Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, Dean seemed to weight his options before deciding to go to Hell with it all and pulling the trigger. The bullet soared through the air. And harmlessly bounced off Nick's chest.

Nick laughed at their shocked expression. He could taste their horror and uncertainty in the air. "Sorry guys, but I'm not human anymore. So that won't work against me."

"So you're a demon?"

"Something better. I'm something you've never faced before," Nick smiled. It was a horrible smile; void of any warmth and cold like a winter storm.  He flashed them his black-red eyes and revealed the shadows of his wings on the wall behind him. "You're looking at the new King of Hell."

"Are you the one who killed Cas? Who killed everyone?" Dean asked him, eyes raking around the room. He was looking for something, a weapon he could try to use, Nick assumed.

"You bet I did," he replied, snapping his fingers once, which was the command his Hellhounds have been waiting for. At once, they ran forward; claws scraping against the floor and barking and howling as they went. The Winchester's eyes widened when they noticed Nick had bought Hellhounds along and as one they sprinted from the room, the Hounds of Hell hot on their heels. Chuckling under his breath, Nick calmly walked after them, the white hound stalking next to him like a pale shadow and not leaving his side much like a guard would.

"You cannot run from me! It's time to pay, boys!" Nick yelled, his loyal hammer appearing in his hold as he stalked the hallways of the Bunker. All he had to do was follow the trail of destruction the hounds left behind and he knew he would find the Winchester's at the end soon enough. As he got closer alarms started blaring around him and the red light flashed. Annoyed by the sound, he let some of his powers flow out and made the lamps explode as tiny shards of glass rained down around him.

The hounds howled and Nick rounded a corner to see his dogs burning and aimlessly running around, bumping into things and tripping over each other. Eventually, they turned to ashes. The Winchester's seemed to have managed to burn them in Holy Fire. The white hound next to him growled. The Nephalem looked up at Sam who stood in front of him and arched up an eyebrow. "Nice move," he commented.

"Hey, Nick!" Dean called out from somewhere next to him. Nick looked up and something flew at him and exploded in his face. The Nephalem screamed in agony and staggered back as the Holy Fire burned his skin. Sam took that moment to jump at him and cuff his hands together with Enochian handcuffs. "Ha! Now we got you, you sonuvabitch!" Dean called out in triumph as Sam smiled.

At that, the white hound howled and jumped at Sam, pushing him away from Nick and keeping the younger Winchester pressed against the ground with his huge paws. He didn't go in for the kill, or at least, not without Nick's signal. Nick held up his cuffed hands and concentrated as the cuffs heated up and melted off before Dean's large eyes. Next, he lifted his hands to his face, healing his burns with a flash of light. "You said?" He pushed Dean's chest, making him fly across the room. Dean groaned and slowly pulled himself up.

"Dean!" Sam gasped out, trying to move towards his brother which made the hound growl in warning. Nick shot him a look. He still worried about his brother when he had a huge Hellhound pushing him down. Typical.

"You want to know something funny?" Nick asked the younger Winchester, flicking his wrist as he slammed Sam's weapon away. Sam glared at him in reply. "If only you hadn't pushed Lucifer away in the other world and prevented him from passing through... none of this would have happened and we all would have been happy. He was actually changing and hurt by your betrayal, you know? I felt it." He lightly tapped the skin over his heart before turning towards his hound. "Tear out his throat," he commanded the dog as if he was discussing the weather.

At that, the dog's strong jaws went towards Sam's throat. Sam tried his best to hold the large hound off, but he could only hold it out for so long without a weapon. In a flash, Nick spun around, knowing that Dean had tried to sneakily jump past him to save his brother - the Nephalem knew them by now. He swung his hammer Dean's way, who twisted away to avoid a fatal blow, but he wasn't fast enough for Nick's hammer hit his shoulder. Nick could hear his bones breaking as Dean screamed and fell to his knees, painfully holding his shoulder as blood dropped down on the floor. Behind him, Sam screamed and he heard the tearing of flesh and crunching of bones as his hound's jaws found their mark.

Dean's head snapped up, horrified, and Nick swung his hammer again. He didn't want to give him the time to compose himself to attack. They might be human, but a furious Dean was not to be underestimated. He hammer hit Dean across his head and he fell down, slightly dazed and face bloody. Nick stepped closer and stood over him, bringing his hammer down again. And again and again, until Dean was nothing but an unrecognizable pile of meat and blood and other bodily fluids.

With Dean dead and mutilated, Nick turned around to see what was left of Sam. Not much, he was fast to conclude. The white hound had completely torn open Sam's chest; white bloodied bones poking out of a gaping hole and blood pooling around his body. The hound stood over him, red eyes blazing and his muzzle and face more red than white. "What a good boy," Nick cooed. The hound's ears perked up and he waggled his tail. "Who's a good murderous boy? Yes, you are," he praised the dog, giving him a quick pat over his large furry head. Nick didn't mind the blood.

Feeling a presence behind him, Nick spun around. He only recognized the man standing there from Lucifer's memories. It was God. God had appeared before him. "This is not how my story was supposed to go," God commented, appearing to be rather unhappy about it.

Nick spun his hammer around in his hold as his Hellhound growled at the new threat. "I write my own story," the Nephalem replied.

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