Chapter 17

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hey guys, sorry long time no see! just came back to finish this all xoxo!

Skyler POV

The hour went by so slow and all I could think about is what I'm gonna say to him and what he's gonna say...

Finally, I got in my car and started driving to his house. The whole drive I was debating my own thoughts:

I love him so much... I don't want him to leave, but I know that he's done with me at this point.

Everyone somehow leaves me. Again and again. And this time, it's gonna be different. If I can't have him NOBODY else can have him xD. 

Finally, I got to his house. Slowly, I walked up to the doorsteps. My palms sweating... knees weak... and arms heavy. I'm so nervous, but here goes nothing!

I ring the doorbell and hear shuffling, and after a few minutes, he opens the door. I forgot how beautiful his face is.

He grunts "Hey" in a muffled voice and right off the bat I know he's in a bad mood. I come into the house and sit next to him on the couch.

"So now what...", I ask him.

He answers quietly, "I don't know Sky, I feel like this is too good to be true and that too much has happened for us to be on good terms."

I couldn't believe what he said. I thought he loved me. 

"But Jack. We love each other. How could you say that? I love you more than anything in this world."

He looks up slowly and says to me, "I just don't really feel the same way anymore, to be honest haha xD."

My blood was boiling. I could not believe he just said those freaking words. Oh my god. 


He could tell how angry I was and tried to calm me down. Looking into my eyes, he answers, "Yeah kinda but likkkkkeee friends... with benefits?" as he winks at me. 


I could tell he was so taken aback and confused. But then the confusion turned into anger. He got up from his seat, with no words, gets up close to my face, and spits in my face. 

I was so mad, I started screaming at the top of my lungs. 


My anger was rising uncontrollably. I decided to go full Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior on this bitch. 

As I continue to scream, "AHHHHHHHHH", I start sprinting and jump kick his beautiful, gorgeous face. 

He flies across the room like a mosquito.

Look at him. He thinks he can hurt me. Nobody can hurt me anymore. He's not leaving me.

I look up and I see him on the floor by the kitchen, reaching for a knife. He grabs it and starts charging at me, like ZOOM ZOOM

Stupid bitch doesn't know to fight so I quickly dodged and he ran into a wall, dropping the knife. I grab the knife and slowly walk up to him.

I look at his face. Those beautiful eyes. He's so sexy. 

Holding the knife, I say, "Baby tell me you love me hehe..."

He grunts and spits at me again, and says, "No you ugly carpetmuncher."

I get angry again and I stab him in the leg. He screams in pain and anger, while I continue to admire his beautiful facial structure as he screams. 

I'm so lucky to have him. Such a beautiful man.

I say again, "Tell me you love meeeeeeeeeeeee."

Again, he looks in my face with disgust and sticks his tongue out and goes, "No you cunt ugly."

I stab him in the stomach this time. 

I could see his face go pale. He was in pain, suffocating in my arms. He looks so tender, so precious, so cute. 

Once again, I tell him, "Babyyyyy, tell me you love meee."

He looks at me and whispers in my ear, "Na na na na na boo boo you're a toad."

That was it. It was time for me to do this.

I took the knife with one last blow, and stab it deep into his heart. He gasps for air.

I go next to his ear and whisper, "If I can't have you, nobody can have you hunny boo boo muah muah."

Weak and frail, losing consciousness, he looks at me and flips me off. 

I held him in my arms as he continued to lose blood and die. 

A few minutes later, there was no movement and everything was silent. As I watched his soul go away, I realized I fucked up.

Oh my god. What did I do? Jack is gone. I can't have him forever if he's dead.

Suddenly, I realized what I had to do...

First, I went to the oven and preheated it 400 degrees F. My mom had always told me to make sure to preheat the oven 30 minutes before the goodies!

I grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting him up and put in a pan. This took a while. He was very nice big strong man. Finally, I got all of him to fit in the pan, and as I finished, I heard the oven go off.

It was time.

I put the pan in the oven, smiling, and set a timer for 8 minutes.

I stood there in front of the oven, watching him bake for the whole 8 minutes. MMM I was getting hungry.

Finally, the timer went off. MMMMM TASTY TIME.

I took the pan out and grabbed my utensils. 

Quickly, I took my first bite. He tasted exactly like I thought he would taste. Delicious. I was euphoric. NOM NOM. I quickly gobbled him up and sat there in complete satisfaction. That was a good meal.

This is what everything was leading up to. Jack Gilinsky was a real snacc... but he was MY snacc only. And now... he was ALWAYS be a part of me. 

I am Jack Gilinsky and Jack Gilinsky is me.



Hey loves! Sorry my phone died, so it took me a while to update, but I finally got it. I had to cut the book kinda short, but here was the big ending! I hope you guys loved reading it as much I loved writing this. Thank you so much for supporting me through this wonderful journey, I love you all sooooo much. Follow me on instagram if any of you wanna keep in touch or have any questions (@saniya.syed)

This has been an amazing time, but I'm afraid it has to come to an end. Goodbye loves, keep dreaming!!



Wait, Did This Just Really Happen? (A Jack Gilinsky Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now