Chapter 6.

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So, I'm gonna try not to swear so much in this story.


Jack POV

My heart broke, when she told me what Nick had done to her. He freaking raped her. I How could anyone do anything to hurt such a beautiful girl?

Instantly, I pulled her in and held her, for what seemed for a while, but I didn't care. She was with me and that was all that mattered. I needed to stay with her. 

"Do you wanna come home with me?" I asked, realizing that it had probely sounded creepy, but she smiled and nodded. Thank god. 

We walked to the car, still holding her, for some reason I couldn't let go of her. All I wanted was here to be safe. 

The drive was quiet, until she broke the silence, 

"Jack?" she whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah, Sky?" 

"Why'd do you care about me? I'm not anything special." she says.

"Yeah you are, Skyler. You're all that's been on my mind, for the month. That bump today at school, wasn't an accident. I just needed to talk to you, and I had finally got the guts to do it today and I'm  glad that I did. I like you a lot."  I just let it all out, I needed her to know. 

Skyler POV

I couldn't believe what Jack had just said. We were now in front of his house. He was about to get out of the car, but I stopped him, holding his hand. 

I leaned it, whispering, "I do too," and I kissed him, and he kissed me. It wasn't a kiss like Nick's. When I kissed him, I felt like I was safe with Jack. That no one could hurt me as long as I was with him. And I felt love. 

We walked in and the house was quiet.

"No one's gonna be home tonight, you can stay over if you want." he asked, and I trusted him. 

"Sure, let me just text Peyton and my mom." 

To Mom: hey i'm just gonna sleep over at Peyton's, and don't worry nothing happened at the party.

I knew she would've asked.

To Peyton: hey, cover for me please, I'm at Jack's and I told my mom that I was sleeping over at your house, and yeah ik ill be careful, i won't do anything.

I walked back over to Jack.

"Everything all good?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just texted them"

"Ok, so do you wanna watch a movie or something." he asked me. 

"Sure," I replied, smiling.

He gave me some sweatpants and a shirt to change into, while he was picking a movie. I came back down, and saw he picked Dear John, one of my favorite movies.

We layed down on the couch, and played the movie. I was exhausted and I knew that I'd probably fall asleep during the movie. 

Jack wrapped his arms around me, and the movie started. About 40 minutes into the movie, my eyes started to close, and I looked up at Jack, and found him staring at me

"What?" I said as I laughed.

"You're just so beautiful." he simply said, as I started to blush and looked down.

He put his hand under my chin, pulling my face up to meet his brown eyes.

"Skyler, will you be my girlfriend?" he said softly. 

"Yeah, Jack. I would love to be your girlfriend." I say as I'm nodding. At this point, I was ready to sleep, my eyes started to close, and I felt Jack kiss my forehead, and I drifted to sleep.


So, I've realized that I'm rushing the beginning, so yeah sorry, and Ik that I write really short chapters, I just don't get time to write long chapters, so sorry. 

I might update tomorrow, but again, not sure.


Wait, Did This Just Really Happen? (A Jack Gilinsky Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora