Chapter 43 - Friends.

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You stood with the others when Dumbledore and the other head masters walked it. 

"(y/n). Did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" Dumbledore asked calmly. You shook your head no. He frowned. 

"It seems we have a our champions." Dumbledore said. 

"How? She is not of age!" Beauxbatons Head mistress said. Dumbledore looked at them. 

"Yet her name was placed and pulled." Dumbledore said. You took a step foreword.

"I don't want to compete." You said. They looked at you. 

"I'm sorry (y/n). The goblet has a magically binding spell on it. You have no choice." Dumbledore said. You grew angry. 

"I'm sorry. You all may go. We will get you when it is time." Dumbledore said and walked off. you ran from the room and saw that Fred and George, along with Harry Ron and Hermione were waiting for you and they all looked worried. 

"Well?" Ron asked. You sighed. 

"I'm a champion." You said. It sounded like you were about to cry. Fred and George hugged you and you hugged them back.  

"How did you do?" Hermione asked. You looked at her. 

"I didn't. Look." You said, holding on the paper with your name on it. She took it, reading it before passing it on. 

"That's not your hand writing." Ron said. You nodded as the Twin let you go. 

"So someone placed your name in there. Who would do that?" Fred asked. You shrugged and saw Draco and Pansy by the doors, waiting. You sighed. 

"You don't think it was Draco, do you?" You whispered. Harry Ron and Hermione all nodded, but Fred and George shook their heads.

"with how Draco has been acing, no way." George said. You nodded and looked over at them. You saw they turned their head but you waved for them to come over. They looked at each other before holding hands and walked over, but they didn't say anything.

"Do you know who did it?" You asked. They shook their heads. You sighed. 

"But it could have been Igor Karkaroff. He is, well was a Death Eater." Draco said. You nodded slowly. 

"I'm sorry (y/n). We don't want you hurt. I guess our warning was useless." Pansy said. You smiled. 

"No it wasn't. Because of that, we knew (y/n) wasn't the one to put her name in there or even ask any one to do it." Fred said. Pansy smiled and nodded. You looked at everyone and smiled. 

"You know what. With friends like you guys cheering me on. I'm sure I can do this." You said. Everyone smiled. 

"You do have good friends. We too will be cheering for you." Pansy said, pointing to Draco and herself. You smiled at her. 

"Pansy, I was talking to you and Draco also." You said. Both Draco and Pansy frowned. 

"But.." Draco said and and you held up your hand. 

"Draco, you have proven you have changed because of Pansy. I think you and I can be friends again." You said. Draco smiled and Fred and George both put him into a headlock and ruffled his hair. Draco laughed, as did Pansy.     

"Stop it!" Draco shouted, laughing. You laughed as they did. Draco's hair was standing on end. 

"Draco, your hair!" Pansy laughed. It was Fred and Georges 'Hair stand"' prank. 

Hair Stand Prank.

Creator - Fred and George.

Price - Three Galleons

The Pranker has to rub the solution into the hair of the target to make the hair stand on end for four minutes. 

Draco reached up and felt his hair. 

"Hey!" He shouted and started to fight the twin but you saw they were all laughing. You smiled at that. 

"Who says Malfoys don't have a sense of humor?" Pansy asked you. You shrugged. 

"I don't know but they are lairs." You said, watching them. As you did, you no longer felt fear or anger about the tournament. You felt strength and eagerness with your friends by our side.    


All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum