Chapter 13 - Howler

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You were sitting in class, next to Draco. Snape was giving a quiz but you had finished it early and had to wait. A few days were left before the end of the school year and you were exited to go to The Borrow. A note the slide to you and you looked. It was from Draco. You too a read it.

How come you haven't been talking to me lately?

You looked at him but he wasn't looking at you. 

Draco I told you I had to study for this quiz.

You slid it back to him. A moment later it came back to you.  

With the Twins? 

You looked and him and shook your head. 


Draco looked at you and the bell rang. He grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the classroom. 

"Draco! Draco slow down!" You said. He didn't listen and pulled you into an empty class room.

"What do you mean your going to spend some of the summer over at the Weasley's house?" He yelled. You sighed. 

"Draco, I told you I was going to be busy some of the summer by I still want to spend time with you." You said. He looked at you. 

"Your my girlfriend, not theirs!" He shouted. You looked hurt. 

"You think I would cheat on you?" You whispered. He looked at you. 

"...No." He said after a long pause. You cupped his cheek.

"Draco. I want to meet their family and spend time with my best friends but I want to spend time with my boyfriend also." You said. He smiled and nodded. 

"Sorry." He said. You kissed his cheek. 

"It's OK." you said. He took your hand and walked with you. You let his hand go in the great hall and sat before eating your food as you did, the mail came and a red envelope fell in front of you. You froze. 

"(y/n)'s got a howler." "Do you see that?" What do you think its about?" Were a few things you heard your house, along with others say. You picked it up and opened it a bit before you heard your mothers voice.

"How dare you young lady!

Your father and I just got around to reading your letter, only to find out you won't be home for a while because your going with that poor family! Your a disgrace on the name (l/n)! If you go with them, don't bother showing up at our house this year! You will tell us your choice on the platform in a few days and it better be the right one!" 

The letter then ripped its self up. You had tears in your eyes and ran from the room. You almost made it to your common room when you felt someone grab you. You turned, seeing Fred and George. They pulled you into a hug. You cried into their arms. 

"It's not fair!" you screamed. It was muffled, but you knew they heard you. 

"We agree." George said. 

"But if you do come with us, your welcome to stay the whole summer. Mom won't mind." Fred said. You looked up at them. 

"Really?" You asked. They smiled and nodded. You smiled, moving and wiped your tears.

"Thank you guys." You said. They wiped your cheeks free of tears. 

"Anything for our best friend." They said. You smiled, but what they said best friend, you wished they would have said girl. You froze a bit. 

"(y/n)?" Fred asked. you shook your head. 

"I-it's nothing. Come one, lets finish dinner." You said. They walked with you to the great hall. You looked over and Draco. He had a smile and you knew he had something to do with this. You walked over to him. 

"Draco, can I talk to you?" You asked. He stood with out a word and followed you out of the great hall. 

"Did you tell my parents?" You asked him. He crossed his arms.

"So what if I did. My girl shouldn't be going to another mans house. What makes it worse is she's going with two men!" Draco said. You glared at him but when he said my girl, it sounded...possessive. Like he wanted that title or something.   

"Draco they're my best friends!" You shouted. Draco looked at you. 

"And I'm your boyfriend." He said and left. You were shocked but that made your decision all to easy. You walked in and up to Fred and George. 

"Fred, George. I would love to spend the summer with you." You said. They stood and hugged you.

"We will have so much fun!" They shouted. you laughed and looked over at Draco, who looked very angry.        

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin