~Chapter 19 - Starting Year Two~

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You walked thought the gates of nine and three quarters. You smiled as you pushed your trolley and saw the Weasley's. You smiled and pushed your cart over to them. You saw Molly wave at you and waved back. 

"Hello Molly." You said. She gave you a hug and once she released you, you felt two pairs of arms hugging you. 

"(y/n)!" Fred and George said as they hugged you. You gave a small laugh.

"Hey guys." You said. Ron came over with a boy. He had dark hair. 

"(y/n), this is Harry." Ron said. You held your hand out. 

"Hi Harry, I'm (y/n)." You said. He shook it with a smile. You knew this was Harry Potter but you didn't care.

"Thank you for destroying the dark lord." You said. Harry looked at Ron, who slapped his forehead.

"I forgot. Harry, (y/n) family were Death Eaters, supporters of he who shall not be named, but (y/n) is cool." Ron said and got a smack on the head by Molly.

"Ronald Weasley! I'm sorry about him my dear." Molly said. You laughed a bit. 

"It's OK. I'm not like my family." You said and felt an arm go around your waist. You looked, seeing Draco. 

"Potter." Draco said. Harry glared at him.

"Malfoy." Harry said. You sighed. 

"Please don't fight." You said. The glaring continued for a few seconds when Draco moved and kissed your cheek. 

"Sit with me for a bit on the train." Draco whispered before leaving. You were nervous, but did decide to give him another chance. 

"(y/n), he's bad news." Harry said. You looked at him. 

"It's fine. I can handle my self. Fred, George, I will be sitting with Draco first, then I will come find you." You said. They nodded as you boarded the train. You found Draco fast and sat across from him. 

"(y/n), can I ask you a question?" Draco asked. 

"You just did, but I will allow another one." You said, laughing but Draco looked a bit angry.

"Not what I meant and you know it. (y/n), why are you against making a new Dark lord?" He asked. You sighed. 

"Because I don't believe in it Draco. Why are you OK with it?" You asked. He looked at you as the train started to move.

"Because I agreed with him." Draco said. You sighed sadly. 

"Then maybe we should brake up." You said. Draco looked at you. 

"Please, don't." He said. You looked at him in the eyes. 

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't." You said. Draco looked at you before. 

"I...I..." Draco started before hanging his head. 

"I don't have any." He said. You sighed. 

"Then let me make some rules." You said. He looked at you before nodding. 

"One. I can hang out with whomever I want, but I will always make time for you. Two. You will work on your Jealousy. Three. You hurt me one more time, I will leave you. Four. If you allow my rules, I won't brake up with you. What do you say?" You asked. You wanted more but kept it simple. Draco sighed and held his hand out. You took his to shake but he pulled you in, kissing you, then hugged you. 

"I'm sorry." He said. You couldn't help but smile and hug him back. This was the Draco you knew. Sweet and kind.

"It's OK." You said and sat bu his, talking. About half way to Hogwarts, you moved and sat with the twins. You had the compartment alone with them and talked about the store. 

"What?" You yelled laughing. 

"Our friend came up with the idea. We thought it would be fun and decided to sell them to help fund our shop. We just need help with the money. We need to make a vault also." George said. They were talking about sweets that made you sick. 

"I can help with both. I just made a vault in my name in case something bad happen in my family and I got cut off. I can help you guys make one since I know how to. I'm also going to be your accountant so I can help with the money part." You said but the twins didn't smile.

"Why would your family cut you off?" Fred asked. Your heart dropped. 

"Umm.. My family..." You didn't know what to say. Fred put the plans away. 

"Is your family hurting you?" George asked. You froze, before nodded. 

"And Draco?" Fred asked. You nodded again. They stood but you grabbed both there hands. 

"Please. Don't." Was all you could say before the tears came. They sat with you and hugged you.

"We knew you didn't fall and hit your cheek. It was that bastard. What else has he done?" Fred asked. You told them everything. The nodded.

"Brake up with him." George said. You shook your head. 

"(y/n), he's abusing you!" Fred yelled. You froze. It wasn't the yelling that you froze at. It was what he said. you knew what it was, but hearing it made it worse.

"I'm scared." You whispered. They held you tighter. 

"We will be with you." They said. You nodded but didn't move. 

"Not now, when we stop." You said. They both rested their heads on your head and you smiled. You felt save. 

All Jokes aside (Fred and George x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now