Chapter 19: (Y/n) Reacts! (Ft. Kasamatsu & Kise)

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"hurry up guys!" Kise whined at his bestfriend and his captain.

"well who wanted to buy AND drink iced coffee first before getting here huh?? now you're whining that we'll miss the good stuff?" (y/n) rolled her eyes at Kise while Kasamatsu only agreed and even lightly punches Kise's shoulder. 

as the three walked in the stadium. 

"whaaat??" Kise said as he and Kasamatsu stopped upon entering. 

"oi what is it?" (y/n) asked as she peaked from behind Kise to see Seirin v Seiho. it had only been four minutes since the game had started but Seirin had already been falling behind with a score of 0 - 12. 

"wow, seriously?" Kasamatsu asked, even he was surprised at the score difference between the two. 

(y/n) who was being blocked by the two trees pouted and tried to get her way infront of them. "Oi you tall ass building let me through!" she groaned as she squeezed in between the two males. once she saw the score. she was slightly surprised. "oh. lol" her reaction was a bit anti-climactic for some reason. 

the three went to their seats, it was a couple columns away from the front seat. they watched as Seirin tried their hardest to break away from Seiho's tight defense but ultimately failing to do so. 

"What are they doing?" Kise asked, his expression was both dissapointment and confusion. 

"yeah, I thought so when we played against them,  but Seirin is a slow starter. but Kagami is usually the one to put his foot on the gas. but without that they can't hit their stride" Kasamatsu commented.

(y/n) just hummed at them while she watched. the ball was currently held by Kagami and he was against some dude with a buzz cut. the man seemed to be taunting Kagami. "I think they're trying to eliminate Kagami-chan" (y/n) told.

she watched as Kagami was called out for Charging. "see? I think they know Kagami-chan is hotheaded and they're trying to get him out by using that factor" 

"i see, you might be right about that" Kasamatsu nodded which made (y/n) tilt her head at the man's expression, for the past hour that she had been talking to Kasamatsu, the man would always seem so flustered but now he's completely serious

Izuki then passed the ball to Kuroko but seeing Seiho's defense, Kuroko cannot pass the ball. he can't use his misdirection. "huh, their going for a man to man defense?" 

"Their main defense is man-to-man but it's not your regular man-to-man defense. they're creating pressure by staying right on their guys the whole time. you can't break away from them easily, even if you're good at passing, if no one's free, you're playing at half the efficacy " Kasamatsu explained. his eyes were really fixed onto the game. 

"whoAH! as expected from Kaijou's captain! that's a nice analogy!" (y/n) grinned while giving Kasamatsu a thumbs up. Kasamatsu's eyes widened a little bit as he looked away from her. "t-thanks" he mumbled out before looking back at the game. 

Kise huffed. "their defense is strong, but they'll never last until the end if they play like that" Kise countered, his eyes glancing at Kasamatsu. 

"but they do, because. they use martial arts techniques" Kasamatsu called out with a slight smirk as the game was currently put on a time out

"martial arts? like bruce lee? kA-pOW! whA-tTA! sort of martial arts?" (y/n) asked while she made martial arts gestures to Kasamatsu. which made Kise slightly laugh at the girl's actions. it was really adorable. 

Kasamatsu shook his head "they incorporate movements from old martial arts. one of the techniques is called namba running, your arms and legs usually move in opposite directions when you run, but in namba running your arms and legs move together, apparently by avoiding twisting, you reduce the strain on your body and the energy you spend" he explained

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