Chapter 9: Top 50?!

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Your Pov

Everyone, including me was out in the courtyard. watching Koro-sensei, most were confused as to why they were called out. most of them are still naive

I was next to Karma who was actually for the first time not Ditching.

"What's the big idea, sendin us all out into the yard like this?" I heard someone ask. I just shrugged them all off.

I glanced at Karma who seemed to be glancing at me. "Hm? is there something wrong Karma-kun?" I asked him, he looked back at Koro sensei and smirked bit. "I saw you the other day~ didn't think you were dating a model (y/n)-chan~" he teased, yet he seemed slightly sad about it. I started to silently laugh. he saw me and Ryo-chan, pfft.

"pfft, me? dating Kise? pfft as if I'd date someone that's gay for a light blue haired man!" I laughed even more.

Karma looked at me, he seemed slightly relieved, but I paid no attention to that. "does that mean I can have a date with (y/n)-chan~?" he joked, his mischievous self was back. I snickered even more. "as I said Karma-kun~ I don't date guys that are gay for light blue haired males~" I taunted.

He looked at me with a glare. I smiled even more. I was about to taunt even more when I heard Koro-sensei speak up.

"One good thing about the E class system. is it's built in remedial process, by scoring in the top 50 of 186 students on periodic exams, and receiving permission from their former teacher to return, they can leave this outcast E class" leave? if I were in E class, i'd rather stay, it's more fun here than in the other classes. plus discrimination will still continue even if they have left the E class. so it's still going to be a no.

"However, it's too dificult to meet these conditions given their poor grades"

I hummed as me and Karma watched Koro-sensei. he was pushing something while explaining the school's system regarding the E class.

"what do you mean, hurry up?" I heard bitch sensei complain

"Koro-sensei asked us to bring you"

"Irina-sensei, let me ask you something as a professional assassin."

"what is all this?"

"When you're on a job, do you have one single plan prepared?" he asked.

Irina thought for a moment before answering, her look turned more serious. "no, it's not often that my main plan goes as expected. I make more detailed back up plans just in case, and having more than one plan is the main factor in asssassinating."

"You, Mr. Karasuma. when you teach knife skills, is the first strike the only important one?"

"The first strike is ofcourse the most important. but your next move always matters too, against a strong enemy, your first blow is likely to be doged, so the precision with which you can land your second and third blows can decide the fight." Karasuma-sensei explained.

"Look, what are you getting at?" Maehara asked Koro-sensei.

"As your teachers and peers have said" with that Koro-sensei began to speed around, creating a powerful tornado. "Having a trusty second step is what makes for a confident assassin, but what about you?"

he began spinning faster and faster. "We've got assassination and that's enough, you think and down go your academic goals. you're just trying to face the reason for your inferiority complex." the tornado got so powerful that I lost my balance and was almost blown off. clinging onto the nearest thing I could find, My arms wrapped around something soft. I looked up to see Karma with a surprised reaction, the dust soon flies near us, out of reflex, I quickly hid my face on his chest.

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