Chapter 13: Checking out Rakuzan

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the next day I slept at my house because well It was hella late already when me and Father chatted about current events at school and all and Sei insisted that I stay. poor (F/N) not having a room mate, oh welp. 

anyways. I changed my clothes to a casual wear, I was gonna check out Rakuzan high today since I might attend there once I graduate. Sei already went to school and Father already went to work. looking at my breakfast, it made me realize something, does Sei get to eat regularly? due to practice he sometimes skips his lunch. asking the maid if she have prepared lunch for Sei, the maid shook her head telling me that Sei left in a hurry, I thanked her and huffed a bit. how can he be this reckless, after eating I decided to cook something for him before leaving the house. I just decided to walk to Rakuzan instead of asking for a ride from my butler, since, they really needed a break from driving all the time. 

as I reached Rakuzan, I can see that it was lunch break already once I got there, I greeted the guards who were at the front gates, telling them that I came to deliver lunch to my brother. 

"ah, who might be your brother? for confirmation purposes"

"Akashi Seijurou is my brother's name" 

"oh! I see I see! the star pupil of the first year students! please come in!" 

the guard politely let me in the campus. looking around, it really is a big and pristine campus, the greytone makes it look so pretty, walking around, I couldn't help but feel as if people were looking at me. is it because i'm a random person wearing casual clothing in such school or is it-

"Seijurouu-Sama!! why are you crossdressing??" a random girl called out to me. 

Seijurou..sama..? yo wtf is happening here

"huh?" was all i could say 

"OMG! SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE!!" she quickly bowed while she sweatdropped. I just smiled sweetly at the girl. 

"it's alright! may you direct me to the gym please?" 

"omgomgomghersmileislikeseijurousamaomgomgomg- *cough cough* eh? why? miss...?"

I have now realized that this girl is a fangirl of my brother, pfft seijurou-sama.. 

"ah well I came to deliver lunch for someone hehe" 

"ohhhh! I see I see!! let's get going then!" 

she was honestly very sweet, though I get a stalker vibe from her but I think she's relatively harmless, once getting to the gym, I waved goodbye to her and proceeded to walk inside the gym. my suspicions were correct, there my brother stays, alone, shooting a basketball. 

i decided to set his lunch aside and grabbed a ball, making sure he won't notice me, I sat at a bench that was opposite to where he was shooting, his back turned to me. making a lazy whole court shot, I smiled seeing him flinch. "Yo Sei~" I greeted as he turned around. 

"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" he asked confused. I stood up and clapped my hands indicating for him to pass me the ball. 

"Mari-chan said you didn't bring lunch, so I brought you your lunch" I shrugged as he passed me the ball, dribbling it around. I smiled at him. shooting the ball first before grabbing his packed lunch. "here, eat up if  you want to have energy for your training" 

"ah thank you (y/n)" he smiled, you can't see it but he did. 

sitting next to me he opened up the lunch box, a bigger smile plastered on his face when he saw what it was, it was an omelette with fried rice and a happy ketchup face was on the omelette, there were also fried chicken wrapped in lettuce. 

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