Chapter 22B

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"Nah, he's just here to hang out." The last thing I wanted to do right now was try to explain everything. Knock still wasn't ready to disclose our personal life, saying he preferred to keep things simple and quiet for now. I didn't want anyone to think that he was fickle either; if it came down to it I'd let the world know this tanned jackass belonged to me. 

"Oh..." I could hear the doubt and uncertainty in Jan's voice.

"So, why did you call me?" I asked, abruptly changing the subject. We didn't really call each other all that often; especially during the term break, everyone would disappear. The only person I'd seen since term break started a month ago was Knock and we didn't even go to the same university anymore.  Na, Jan, Dream and my other Uni friends had been nowhere to be seen at all. 

"Come to U Pub tonight or you're dead."

"Since you put it like that." It didn't sound like I was going to be able to get out of this social obligation no matter what I said.

"Call Knock too, I can hardly remember what your faces look like anymore!"

"I'm sure your boyfriend's face and moans are taking up too much space for you to remember anyone else," I teased him.

"My boyfriend is unforgettable from head to toe."


I heard his boyfriend cursing in the background; I'm not sure why, but I really hadn't expected him to be so foul mouthed. 

"Yeah, you just keep showing off." I teased.

"Fine, be there at 10 tonight, make sure Knock comes too. It's been a long time, has his skin gotten fairer?" Jan also teased my boy in retaliation.

"His body is tanned just right, and evenly." I mocked.

"How do you know how evenly his body is tanned? That's suspicious." I could just imagine Jan's eyes narrowing in suspicion, glaring at his phone.

"Heh... You're clear about Bum too."

"But he's my boyfriend...!" Jan stunned.

"BYE JAN" I hung up on him abruptly. I'd let his curiousity stew and simmer, it was only a matter of time until he found out, anyway.

@U Pub 22.00 PM

Knock and I arrived at the pub at Jan's appointed time. We're not normally the punctual sort, but Knock said he missed our friends, so he had been rushing me from the very beginning. I was kind enough to not get too annoyed at his excitement at seeing our friends after a long time.

"Hey look, Korn and Knock are here! Wow, you're like zebra hahaha!" Na was mocking us as he reached out to hug us in turn. I just laughed, but Knock seemed unamused by Na's comment.

"You're just mad that I'm still better looking than you even if I'm not fair-skinned, Na." 

What a fucking show off! How annoying.

"Hey, sit down next to me, why do you look suddenly look so annoyed Korn?" Jan said as motioned deliberately to seats next to him. The juniors immediately wai-ed when they saw us.

"Hi P'Korn, P'Knock!" Bum waved brightly at us from Jan's opposite side.

"P'Knock fell off the face of the earth." Pai whined, "Why did you quit uni just because of a break up? I didn't know you were that fragile!"

"Hey Jan, did you call me to drink with you or so your childish friends could give me the third degree?" Knock asked Jan, simultaneously teasing the juniors. They were all Bum's friends; the others just laughed at Knock's good-natured teasing. Knock was just posturing anyway, he's like a big brother to most of them.  All the juniors adore him because he always generously pays for their drinks. 

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