Chapter 4

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"Korn! Are you finished yet?!"

I was deliberately lagging in the bathroom until I heard Knock yelling at me through the door for the fifth time, trying to get me to hurry up. I finally exited the bathroom with absolutely zero urgency to find Knock waiting impatiently for me. He jumped me and put me in a headlock, shaking me back and forth as if he was trying to tear my head from my body.

"You're lagging on purpose, get on with it already! If you're that jealous that I have girlfriend than find one for yourself!"

And why should I do that, when my wife is already right here? I can only silently whisper those words secretly inside my heart. I glanced at him briefly while pulling on my jeans, and slapped a ball cap on my head because it was as hot as an oven outside. Knock seemed to be afraid that I would continue stalling, and he grabbed my wrist and pulled me after him forcefully. I was dragging my feet even as he was pulling me along. It took us almost 30 minutes to reach the boat and by then, our phones were ringing non-stop. I'm sure it was Yiwha who was calling me and it was Plern Pleng that was calling him.

"Hey." I picked up the phone irritably, my tone flat.

"Hey, you asshole!" Yiwha screamed into the phone, causing every hair on my body to stand on end. "I've been waiting in front of the floating market for hours now, why have I not even seen so much as your shadow!? What the hell were you doing, fucking around and making me wait when you know damn well it's a fucking sauna outside! I will hold you personally responsible if I can't find a boyfriend and you'll have to marry me instead!!!"

Yiwha continued complaining at the top of her lungs, and though I wanted to take the phone away from my ear so I didn't have to listen to her whine, I didn't have the heart to do so. After all, she is my one, truest friend, and her suffering was my fault.

"Well, we are on our way now, and we're hurrying as much as we can." I yelled to be heard over the sound of the boat's motor.

"Great! Then you have to do whatever I want today!"

"Yes, yes, I will, I'll be there to pick you up really soon..." I said with a sweet tone, hoping she would be generous enough to hang up the phone, and stop yelling at me. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just not in my character to hang up on people who called me first.

"How much longer?" Yiwha complained. Women are really the most incomprehensible creatures in existence (but they still make more sense than the tanned idiot sitting next to me).

I had just told her a second ago that I was on my way, but I found myself calmly repeating my last sentence, hoping she would hear me this time. "Come on, it won't be that much longer."

"Stop with all those nice words, I'm melting under the sun!" She shouted at me again. I can already imagine the expression on her pretty face, smirking a little as I thought about it. I felt someone glaring at me, and when I searched for the source, I realized that it was Knock. I looked him right in the eye as if to say 'Caught you!', and he immediately looked down at his smartphone and pretended he didn't care.


"Have you eaten anything yet?", returning my attention back to my phone and Yiwha.

"Nope! I'm waiting for you to pay! I'm not going to go easy on you today, you made me wait for so long! Be prepared to empty your wallet today, you jackass!!"

This woman is really fierce when she's pissed off.

"Alright, alright! Just tell me anything you want, and I'll take care it." I said in what I hoped was a soothing tone.

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